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Author Topic: OfpReplacer  (Read 2302 times)

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« on: 30 May 2005, 13:19:32 »
hello  :)

well maybe its get better audiance here than on BIS forum as it might be more related to the stuff you guys do.

well i am somewhat surprised that no one has noticed this nice tool  ???

Softreg has sent us his simple but efficient OFP Replacer tool; which allows you to replace units in mission.sqm file by the one you want (by example for updating BI missions by replacing original addons by community's ones without editing directly the sqm with a text editor).

There are so many cool addons for OFP its just a shame to play with original ones that come with OFP. I for instance like to play original campagin missions with new addons but its easy to figure out changing all thoes units on the mission editor or even note pad can be very painfull. Well not any more. This utilty allows you to replace units in mission.sqm file to one you want. All you have to do is first specify "template".

Old unit: unit you want to replace
New Unit: unit you want to be in mission
Addon: any addons that your new unit uses (you can separate addons by comma)

This utility will:

Replace all units that you have replacement for in a template file (empty New units are ignored)

Add addons only if specified unit was found in the mission

Software req: Windows XP, Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1

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personal note:
~ did some testing and it seemed to work fine so far
~ you can exchange units and vehicles (no weapons and ammo (yet?))

~ this programm has even more potential if it also adds these features:
+ exchaning weapons and ammo
+ not only sqm file but also sqs and ext files support
+ more than 1 file selectable at the same time (like to convert 1000mission at the same time)

i really hope the auther is willing to enhance to programm and
that mods and maybe even addons will add an xml file every time!

(short summary: you can exchange units in a mission with this programm if you do know the class of the original unit and exchanged one (also requiredAddons class))


yea no worries mate - the prog isnt very easy for sure, you have to have at least basic knowledge about addons and their structure

it works like this
a.) first of all you have to make an xml file with the changeslist and an unpbo'ed mission

you have to know the class name (<Unit> / <UnitNew>):
like for m1a1, its M1Abrams
you can look about this stuff in the config.cpp of the addon
(for the basic ofp classes have a look a the commented config from BIS for example)

you have to know addon dependency (<AddonName>):
you can find this out in cfgPatches.hpp/.cpp of config.cpp i think (not certain myself in every case) - watch out for "requiredAddons[]", that is what you need
this is not always needed !

example of the xml file with Wargames stuff

b.) secondly select the mission.sqm with the prog

c.) finally repack / pbo the mission again

d.) you are done

tools which extracting and packing stuff are ofp editor, pbo_decryptor 1.5 / 7makepbo, PboX_v1.0 or winpbopack


well i just recognized that currently that search and replace inbuilt option by the program is case-sensitive, so take care about the correct writing of the classes

hopefully this bug will be squased in the next release  :)


thread in BIS forum

Offline Marvin

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« Reply #1 on: 30 May 2005, 18:33:45 »
Loooookiiinggg! Goooooooooooooodd!

I have been tired all the time copy, paste, search, by myself!

Seeking to download it!
Is there any games than Flashpoint?

Offline Marvin

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« Reply #2 on: 30 May 2005, 18:36:30 »

When i tryed to run this program, i have a message like this:

The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)

after that program terminates!

Is there any games than Flashpoint?


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« Reply #3 on: 30 May 2005, 19:02:03 »
You have to have .NET framework installed :)
- Ben

Offline Artak

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« Reply #4 on: 30 May 2005, 19:09:11 »
Sounds like a very useful tool to me i.Q

However, I'm going to have to lock this one for being advertising. There's no room for topics such as this in OFPEC forums, no matter how good or brilliant the content might be.

If you don't mind you can use the Submit News feature to submit this little gem as a news item to the Intelligence Depot and have some of the nice fellows there post it on OFPEC's front page. I think it's worth it.  ;)

Not all is lost.