Sorry if this is too noobish here, but I have some troubles configuring ECP 1_071 beta. I installed it with the installer downloaded from editor's depot. I also downloaded all the required file for dynamic range sound and did as instructed after the installation. Since I'm running the GOTY edition of OFP (which is already patched to 1.96) I get the "cannot locate .exe file" error at first. Then I pointed that manually to my flashpointresistance.exe with -nomap and -nosplash tag. After that ECP seems to start fine and I can load my savegames and everything. However, I noticed that the blood spray seems to be a bit too small and dark, so I pressed ESC in game and clicked on ECP settings in an attempt to fix that. Boom, there came this strange error message that says something like cannot locate dglsettings.sqs. The game is not forced to close though. I can continue playing normally. So i exited the game and opened bloodsetting.sqs with wordpad, changed bunch of settings, saved it, went back into the game...nothing changed. I also noticed that when I fire the LAW, I don't see any trail of smoke at all, but I can assure you it's set to true in the .sqs file. What am I doing wrong here?
Please help!