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Author Topic: animation configs  (Read 1504 times)

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Offline penguinman

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animation configs
« on: 05 May 2005, 02:09:12 »
I have created an animation and its done but i cant get the config to work.

I followed a few tuts and stuff but i cant figure out what is wrong with it.

I included my atempts for the config, could sombody watch the animation and tell me whats wrong with the config please.


Lean Bear

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Re:animation configs
« Reply #1 on: 09 May 2005, 19:38:50 »
OK, I had a look at the anims and the config. The anims were fine, except Deathslide2 which kept moving the body forwards. I corrected that for you :)

There's nothing immediately wrong with the config, but I think it has something to do with you linking both the Deathslide and Deathslide2 to StandDying. If anything, you'd want Deathslide2 to be inherited from StandDead.

To be safe, I completely changed it. It is now a combat anim (ie. will only work when the unit has a rifle). But that's another thing that was bugging me. Are you gonna be using this for general ingame use, or just scripted in a couple of cutscenes or something?

Hope it works :D

Offline penguinman

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Re:animation configs
« Reply #2 on: 12 May 2005, 02:44:32 »
hey, sry for taking so long to reply,

thanks alot,

Im just using it in a mission and script it so that if a AI w/ gun is shot while running he will play the anim.

its part of a pack im making.

do you know how to script it so that it does this?

thanks for the help.

Lean Bear

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Re:animation configs
« Reply #3 on: 12 May 2005, 17:14:42 »

For the script, you could put in a check to see if the unit has a weapon or not - but if its all scripted, I don't see the point.

As for the checking if the unit is running, I would have thought something like:

_unit = _this select 0

_speed = speedMode _unit

?_speed = "Full" || "Normal" : goto "Running"

goto "Check"


_unit addEventHandler ["hit", { goto "Deathslide"}]

goto "Running"


_unit switchMove "Deathslide"

would be the simplest option. Full is a sprint and Normal is the normal jog (when you press "w" etc.). So as long as you set the speed in the unit's waypoints to move at normal or full speed - this will work fine.

This is also for when the unit is hit - not near to death. So, the unit might be hit in the hand and die from it. btw syntax prob not exactly what you need.

Offline penguinman

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Re:animation configs
« Reply #4 on: 13 May 2005, 04:53:41 »

we got a prarie dogger,

I checked to make sure that he did not go under the line and he dosent so I dont know whats wrong.

Lean Bear

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Re:animation configs
« Reply #5 on: 13 May 2005, 20:17:51 »
You're not being too clear but I think I know what you've experienced.

The guy gets shot and switches, instead of to your anim, to being completely upright, waist-deep in the ground, like a prarie dog when they poke their ehads up. ;)

This is normally down to the config. I'll have a look at that for you.

Offline penguinman

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Re:animation configs
« Reply #6 on: 14 May 2005, 00:02:06 »
thanks man,

 i thought everybody called it that ;D