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Author Topic: Need a mission to "stand out"  (Read 1283 times)

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Need a mission to "stand out"
« on: 27 Apr 2005, 16:39:32 »
Ok, ive got a basic idea of a mission im trying to make.

You start off in a helicopter, inserting into woodland at dawn. You then have a long hike (well few hundred metres) and have to meet a person at a certain point for information, he tells you the information; which is the whereaboats of a high ranked officer, and also the route of a convoy which has a few hostages in (Civllians).

I know this sounds like a a pretty normal mission. But i need some ideas to make it stand out more.




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Re:Need a mission to "stand out"
« Reply #1 on: 27 Apr 2005, 16:47:18 »
Would u consider urself ready for some serious scripting? Very complicated editing?

If yes, then I have an idea for you.

The idea also includes getting inserted from above, and meeting people to find out a couple of things, only it is for a much greater cause ( the political and background story is already made up )

I already posted the idea some time ago on the forums under What would happen if....-> a possible beginning of WW3 title.

If you are interested and cant find it, feel free to PM me.



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Re:Need a mission to "stand out"
« Reply #2 on: 27 Apr 2005, 17:19:13 »
I had a look using the search feature and it didnt come up with anything. Either link me or PM/Email me some information about it :)



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Re:Need a mission to "stand out"
« Reply #3 on: 28 Apr 2005, 16:10:53 »
The Intel

Map: Malden
Side: US
Form: US Intelligence officer dressed as a civilian
Year: AD 1975
Situation: A soviet spy satellite, after three years of active duty, was forced to reenter the atmosphere due to its orbital trajectory. The soviet space agency decided to make the Malden Sea to be the landing area.
   As the satellite entered the atmosphere, US radars registered them, and made the entire chain of reaction take place. In result, a US Marine Company was sent into the area said to be the landing zone to retrieve the object. The US were not alone, for the interested also sent a similar force from a nearby island under their control via boat to get their space machine.
   Meanwhile, when the two superpowers struggle to get their men on the site, the government of the Malden Republic, seeing the satellite drop near the Shore of Malden Island, decided to take the initiative and hide the treasure for further profit. They claimed the object from the sea, put it onto a truck, and took it inland.
   Few hours later, the opposing armies came, on two sides of the island. They knew about themselves, and decided to be as passive as possible. A political crisis was developing. The US, after the Para drop, fortified in western Malden, while the Soviets were advancing inland.
Mission: As an Intelligence officer, you will Para drop into central Malden, together with your three men and a jeep. You will all be dressed as civilians armed only with side arms in order to be as friendly to the locals as possible.
   Your mission is to ask, investigate, take any clues necessary to locate the satellite before the Soviets will due to its importance ( the information it carries about the US ). Once you locate the satellite, you will have to report it to the Marines CO, who will then enter the action and secure the objective. If you will be too slow, the Soviets may be the first to find it, or even when you will find it at the same time, a major fire exchange may result.

So be quick, for the future of your Nation depends on you!

I don't have to state any possible consequences of suck a skirmish.
-                Political Scandal
-                Very tense relations with Moscow
-                Possible World War Three

And if you they will get it first
-   They will know about any secret facility in the US.
-   The USSR will able to threaten us anywhere they would want


Hope this helps. What do you think of it?



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Re:Need a mission to "stand out"
« Reply #4 on: 04 May 2005, 14:52:30 »
Sounds very interesting, i could help. But im not a very advanced scripter.

Email me if you'd like help in any way possible.

Maybe we could develop this as a campaign.