I am wondering too if I have buffer overflow
I have an artillery script that does camCreate
;call this script on activate or deactivate:
;[ID,Type,#shells,Xrange,Yrange,starting height] exec "ArtillerySupport.sqs"
_tag = getMarkerPos (_this select 0)
_objtype = _this select 1
_amount = _this select 2
_randomX = _this select 3
_randomY = _this select 4
_height = _this select 5
_timev = 2
_offsetX = _randomX / 2
_offsetY = _randomY / 2
_tX = _tag select 0
_tY = _tag select 1
_tZ = _tag select 2
;titleText ["Artillery strike is in progress", "PLAIN DOWN"]
? (_amount < 1 ) : exit
_obj = _objtype camCreate [((_tX+Random _randomX)-_offsetX),((_tY+Random _randomY)-_offsetY),_height]
_amount = _amount - 1
~0.5 + (random _timev)
goto "Loop"
do I actually need to delete the _obj that I created?
could this lead to buffer overflow somehow?