No good for what he said, that will make him totally unkillable (Almost). Luckally I was making the worlds most interesting mission (and still am) And it consisted of a boss that you had to kill, here is what you may want to try just put [unitname] exec "Nameofscript.sqs"
_unit = _this select 0
_reduction = 5
_dmg = getdammage _unit
@(getdammage _unit != _dmg)
_dmggvn = getdammage boss - _dmg
_dmgamount = (_dmggvn * (1 / 5))
_dmgfinal = _dmg + _dmgamount
_unit setdammage _dammagefinal
?(getdammage boss >= 0.8):_unit setdammage 1
For more health change the reduction number, the higher the number the more health.
Currently he will take a fifth of defualt dammage so hes pretty tough.
Or, if you want a more basic script try this:
_unit = _this select 0
_lives = 5
_dmg = getdammage _unit
@(getdammage _unit != _dmg)
_unit setdammage 0
_lives = _lives - 1
?(_lives <= 0):hint"Hes outa Lives!";exit
This script he will have EXZACTLY five lives, so he will take 5 times as many hits.