In my mission there are 3 teams, the player can choose in which team he gonna play and in what role.
Each team has it's own objectives and each time an objective's achieved the game saves with savegame.
The problem is when an AI team completes an objective the game save as well.
I don't understand, because I have a global variable situation in my init.sqs and I use that in my condition of my savegame trigger.
like this
eg :You play with team1
: situation = 1
Trigger objective1 team 1
!alive etank && !alive MG42pit && situation == 1
Now when team 2 (AI atm) completes his objective the game saves again...
Trigger objective1 team 2
the condition is :
!alive etank2 && !alive Mortarpit && situation == 2
What am I doing wrong?