I've got my script here and I'm using it to work by city.
So when the convoy arrives in town the script activates like this:
[SanAlto] exec "epatrol_1checkcity.sqs"
Then the script should check that parameter "SanAlto" is being called and sends the script to the #SanAlto part. Then the script makes the infantry jump out and move to the appropriate game logic. That's the reason for the parameter system, so the guys go to the right game logic.
I can get the guys to jump out and all, but it fails to recognize the city name/parameter like when I put it SanAlto. It just doesn't work.
So I don't know why it won't recognize what I put in. I got the idea from a script from CHOFPSE. Dunno if this is even gonna work.
?(alive epatrol_1_3): "exit"
go_1 = false
_city = _this select 0
_patrol = sec1inf1
_lead = leader sec1inf1
hint "infantry jumping out!"
{unassignvehicle _x} foreach units _patrol
{_x action ["EJECT",epatrol_1_3]} foreach units _patrol
{_x setbehaviour "AWARE"} foreach units _patrol
?(_city == "SanAlto"): Goto "SanAlto"
?(_city == "SaintR"): Goto "SaintR"
?(_city == "Meridan"): Goto "Meridan"
?(_city == "Lebrija"): Goto "Lebrija"
hint "invalid city"
_lead domove (getpos epatrol_1_3)
?((_lead distance epatrol_1_3) < 7): Goto "getin2"
goto "Getin"
{_x moveincargo epatrol_1_3} foreach units _patrol
go_1 = true
;game logics: gl_1_1 gl_1_2 San Alto: patrol
_lead domove gl_1_1
_dis_1_1 = (_lead distance gl_1_1)
?(_dis_1_1 < 10): Goto "sanalto2"
goto "SanAlto"
_lead domove gl_1_2
_dis_1_2 = (_lead distance gl_1_2)
?(_dis_1_2 < 10): Goto "Getin"
goto "sanalto2"
That's the script, not very tidy as its being made right now, but if anyone can fix it, it'll be much appreciated. ;D