HINT ["%1",getpos player]
Use that, activated by a trigger (Repeatedly), in the on Actiavated field.
Move to to a point on the building you want the AI guy to start, and activate the radio for that script (Well, line of script..
Then write down (Maybe screenshoting it with FRAPs or DXDLL for looking at later if your writings as bad as mine..
And use setpos on the guy..
Then do the same thing (Move to next "waypoint" of the AI guy), pressing the radio trigger again, write down the coordinates, do that for the complete loop of "waypoints"..
Now, in a script.. Syntax will proboly be wrong, but I don't have my OFP stuff on this PC..
_unit = _this select 0
_unit domove [123123,321321,5]
_unit domove [234234,432432,5]
GOTO "start"
In the [numbers,numbers,numbers] bit, you change "numbers" to that long number your wrote down. The ~number is how long it takes the AI to get there (Make it a tiny bit longer, this will need a fair ammount of tweaking to get it right)
You can copy those two lines (_unit domove and ~5) as much as needed.
If that's the right command (domove) it should work..
It's a lot more accurate that waypointing etc, as it's exactly where you were.. But the AI will still find a way to fall out the window I'm sure..
Remeber, the bigger/more open the building is, the better, or safer the AI will be!
- Ben