Hi all!
I was over at the official forums earlier, checkin out the 'ol editing board there. Anyway, there was a post 'respawn script needed'.
Some kind fellow had posted a link to the new ed depot script section, and I though, 'what a champ', so I clicked on the link and was presented with the all-too-familiar script snippet listing.
It hit me like a bullet to the head: most of our snippets are old, out of date, and perhaps
incompatible with resistance!
So, if you find yourself bored and wondering what to do with yourself, please either update some snippets, or even write some new ones for us!
Working snippets are hard to come by these days given the way some commands work differently in resistance.
For example, we don't even have a respawn script that uses the new createobject command!
we'll never have enough tutorials, snippets or tools in the ed depot, so start uploading