This thread is regarding testing of the Nuclear Scud Launcher (OOG_NUKESCUD 1.2).
Original version 1.1 available at A couple days after my addon was approved, a user emailed me that the nuclear animation (The CoC nuke.sqs) was not executing on clients.
I tried eventhandlers in the cpp, but unfortunately they arent global either
So I went with a different method - albeit somewhat unreliable in theory (but better than nothing).
Im running parallel monitoring scripts on each client for each launch, which wait for broacasted public variables, so theres a possiblity of clashes between multiple scuds. Unfortunately I dont have access to another machine to test the revisions adequately so I need you guys to put it though its paces.
Note: In interests of compatiblity with existing missions, the newer version will be backwards compatible with the older implementations. (CfgPatches is identical) Nothing that the mission maker/ player interacts with has been removed, all fixes are internal scripting in nature. Any comments on this, let me know.
The only major external (global scope) changes are the addition of public variables. I've made sure to avoid conflicts by prefixing the OOG_ tag to them. I've also changed the name of the launch script to something simpler. Instead of typing BAS_ScudLaunchNuke.sqs, you can now type LaunchNuke.sqs. Either way will work as the old script file just executes the new one.
I've also created an example mission with some basic examples.
The download is available from