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Author Topic: for Future SAWs  (Read 5352 times)

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for Future SAWs
« on: 23 Dec 2004, 05:20:26 »
In reality SAWs can also accept M16 magazines, used for emergencies if the gunner cannot relaod a drum or box fast enough.

so if possible, lets make that real in OFP. itd be handy too, cause if you run out of boxes or drums, just take some ammo from your comrade


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #1 on: 29 Dec 2004, 22:17:33 »
Well i know that in reality they dont use riffle mags with that kind of weapon cuz it empty like in a second and then get jammed :(  take 2-3 mins to unjam :( load the box another few seconds :(

I think they stick to belts and boxes.
« Last Edit: 30 Dec 2004, 00:03:31 by Sp00nY »


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #2 on: 29 Dec 2004, 22:42:37 »
Also if you think of being short on ammo for gunner then do like in real life and have another soldier wich carry extra boxes close to him.

On the xtra boxes carrier apply this script:

Code: [Select]
;-----------------Made by BLIP-----------------------
;Only play with the Edit section unless you know
;what you are doing.
;example: _holder addmagazinecargo ["magazinename",# of mags]
;    _holder addweaponcargo ["weaponname",# of weapons]

_guy = _this select 0
_pos = getpos _guy select 2
_holder = "weaponholder" createvehicle getpos _guy
;------------Edit Weapon Here-----------------
_holder addmagazinecargo ["JAM_556M_200mag",2]
;_holder addweaponcargo ["HK",1]   // if you need a 2nd primary weapons

?vehicle _guy !=_guy: goto "loop2"
_holder setpos [(getpos _guy select 0),(getpos _guy select 1),(getpos _guy select 2)-0.5]
goto "loop"

?vehicle _guy ==_guy: goto "loop"
_holder setpos [(getpos _guy select 0),(getpos _guy select 1),(getpos _guy select 2)+500]
goto "loop2"

then call the script using:  [name] exec ""gun.sqs

took it from Hit_Sqd_Ack's template

you can get it here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?s=3b8b52c00673f9c7f45d5575e743ed3c;act=ST;f=7;t=44001

Have fun with these!!!
« Last Edit: 30 Dec 2004, 12:12:44 by Sp00nY »

Offline oyman

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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #3 on: 30 Dec 2004, 18:02:24 »
or you can just edit the config so that it accepts m16 mags, easy config change ;)


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #4 on: 30 Dec 2004, 18:17:55 »

or you can just edit the config so that it accepts m16 mags, easy config change

I think nmanjar meant having 2 differents mags on 1 weapon at the same time.

used for emergencies if the gunner cannot relaod a drum or box fast enough

Well it's of no use to change the config.cpp so that the m249 use m16 mags permenantly.
« Last Edit: 30 Dec 2004, 18:23:42 by Sp00nY »


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #5 on: 30 Dec 2004, 19:52:50 »
There's a line the config.cpp file, something like

Change that to
And it will accept the BIS M16 mags, and the JAM M_16 mags ;)

The exact magazines={ can be found in any weapon cpp file
But that is the genral idea.

Maybe you could use a weapon jam script, that only jams if using the M16 mags (Most check if it's the right ammo being fired anyway).

As long as you don't give the unit any M16 mags in the vehciles.config bit, you don't have any, unless you pic them up.
- Ben

Offline oyman

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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #6 on: 30 Dec 2004, 20:13:59 »
^ thats what I was talking about ;D


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #7 on: 31 Dec 2004, 14:25:23 »
think nmanjar meant having 2 differents mags on 1 weapon at the same time.

2 differents mags on 1 weapon at the same time.

I think it mean having 1 m249mag attached to the m249 gun and at the very same moment having 1 m16mag attached to the m249.

So there will be no need to reload an m16mag in case of emergency.

By emergency i think nmanjar meant that the m16mag is ready to use once the m249 mag is empty.

Exemple: Joe fire at the enemy wich is at 200m infront of him then there is like 3 rounds left in the m249 mag. Suddently another bad guy is flanking left of Joe's position, m249 is now empty and flanking guy threat is eminent, no time to reload. Luckely the m249 have an emergency mag wich is from m16 wich was already locked and ready to use on the m249 gun. Joe just use his thumb to activate a switch wich change the feeding slot on the m249 to the m16mag wich was already attached on the m249.
Joe killed 7 bad flanking guys and now Joe's life is safer for 15 more secs, enough time to reload an m249 mag.

Another similar case but used with a pistol: Jane is an officer in Detroit and she is now part of a car chase her partner is the famous Robocrop wich is powered by Asys Embedded boards (Asys used into the industrial robots on Matsupyshy plan ZZ37521, Tokyo, Japan)  and the whole thing turned into a manhunt. Suspect is black shemale in dark environments and translucent midget (GhostInHell) in daylight a Serial killer named John wich killed 23 womens. Killer crashed his car and he is a little injured but still can run powered by pur adrenaline and he enter an old empty manufacture. John Kicked the old wooden door an now hide into the administration department of the building searching for another exit and a Twynky he need more sugar to keep running. Meanwhile Jane armed of a HK P8 9mm pistol with acog and laserpointer duct taped on the cannon with 15 ammunitions in mag and one in chamber wich do a total of 61 shots available, enter the manufacture by the same door John used, robocrop is still in car his computer side got a bluescreen and not he can't load ntoskrnl.akd is MSdust is freezing on priority 1 must protect the innocent. 45 seconds later John is in the fire line of Jane wich fire 3 shots. John still moving on stealth mode ( stealth as a civilian can be wich is like an elephant walking on ice). 30 secs later John is in the fire line of Jane wich fire 7 shots he fire 4 shots of bullets made by Carlito Pistone wich learn to make amunitions from a l33t written article on www. takeovertheworld.die and like most civilians the seriakiller made holes in walls one meter away from the target. Unfortunately John isnt dead yet :( . 15 secs later John is back once again in the fire line of Jane wich pull the trigger 5 times. Doh, need to reload, at this very moment John wich was armed with a Deagle (civilians love big and loud handguns) 3 shots left in mag is now thinking that he will add one murder to is career ???. Stupid as a 15 years old crook he is now facing Jane but not aiming her after all she is dangereous as a lamb can be without her pistol... Well...  this young beautiful golden haired women is exceptionaly skilled with one hand on the vest to take a mag she fired the one bullet left at John wich died with surprised facial face and a hole in is forehead. Jane was promoted to FBI as internal investigator under the name of Skullee and worked 2 long years with Mudder wich been declared insane... after she been approached by the NSA (Naked Security Agent)  to investigate Lerry Flynth Mansion. Lost contact with her... Robocrop have been recycled into a coffee machine
and now known as RoboCup, he still get errors at giving money back but he can accept credit cards...

It's all bout safety mags and safety bull3tz.

G00dNyte k1|)z...!!!
« Last Edit: 31 Dec 2004, 18:09:51 by Sp00nY »


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #8 on: 29 Jan 2005, 14:24:24 »
the m249 can fit M16 mags, but not at the same time as a belt

Offline greg147

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« Last Edit: 29 Jan 2005, 16:04:58 by greg147 »
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg

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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #10 on: 29 Jan 2005, 16:07:21 »
Actually, look close at picture 2.

Note it has the 30rd mag at the bottom, but above that is the hole that the belt mag would feed its rounds into. I think.  ;)
Royal Air Assault Battalion - [L/Cpl] Greg


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #11 on: 30 Jan 2005, 17:52:08 »
The SAW can indeed accept STANAG Magazines (as used in the M16 and M4) the problem is, because the fire modes are coded into the magazines and not the weapons in OFP, if you loaded an M16 mag into your SAW, it would magically gain the ability to fire semi-auto and burst, or semi and full auto. Where in real life the SAW can only fire full-auto.

This is why its never really been done before.


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #12 on: 02 Feb 2005, 12:22:22 »
Yes, I always thought that assigning attributes to the magazines and
not the weapons was something of a wacko design choice. I ran into
this trying to hack config files to make a British SLR out of the
BIS FN FAL (British versions of the FAL have only single shot capability,
whereas the FN FAL can fire on full auto too). In the end I had to define
a specific "SLRmag" (I hacked the JAM 2 files for this) but it's a messy
solution.  ::)

The Belgian Minimi Mag (which is what an M249 SAW really is) can take
STANAG mags - but the tradeoff is that they jam more easily -
and even with a belt this weapon is notorious for jamming anyway.
To get the feature you want in OFP you could make a special "SAWmag"
I suppose and assign one of these to each guy in the squad, but
that's again a really icky workaround. Nice idea to include it in the game though.

It's also a pity the OFP weapons don't jam - that would add some cool
realism - especially on the M16.  ;)  sports, sports, sports!


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #13 on: 06 Feb 2005, 15:54:59 »
I'm realizing a SAW M249, and I've read this topic. Ok, I got a question:
M249 can use both Boxes (200) adn STANAG (30).
How can I make the difference appear in OFP ?
I'll explain it better:
if in .cpp I put magazines[]={"BOX","STANAG"}; (example) in the game I can use both magazines, but the one I see will be only the one made in the 3D model.
So, I could use a STANAG, but keep seing a Box.  :-\
How do I solve this problem?
A solution COULD be (if it exists) to switch weapon and 3D model whenever you chanke magazine type, but I don't know how to do it.  :'(


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Re:for Future SAWs
« Reply #14 on: 08 Feb 2005, 05:28:50 »
I can't practically help you except to say that this must
surely be possible. How do the characters do things
like pulling out pistols, for example? That's an example
of a weapon "magically" appearing in their hands.