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Author Topic: Is there a script?  (Read 494 times)

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Is there a script?
« on: 19 Dec 2004, 02:13:28 »
Is there a script out to where the friendly units don't require any waypoints.  They are to go to a certain trigger, search the entire area of the trigger for the enemy, then when no enemy is found, by script, move to the next trigger?  I may be able to do it myself but, I was just wondering becuase it'd take alot of waypoint work out of missions if you could just set down a few triggers and input a few scripts.  Also what would be good is if the next waypoint is farther than a certain number of meters, the ai will automatically get in the nearest vehicle and load as many of his units as he can before moving out.  


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Re:Is there a script?
« Reply #1 on: 19 Dec 2004, 09:27:07 »
This is possible to do and is quite easy.

1. Ask the user to place the triggers where they want them.

2. Ask the user to input the size of the triggers.

3. Ask the user to input the name of the group they wish to use.

4.a(This could be a possible step if you wanted it)The triggers are set to detect if east is present. And then it will send the group to that trigger when activated And then patrol around random points in the trigger area.

4b.(This could be a possible step if you wanted it)The group checks each trigger at regular intervals, but only stopping for longer periods of time when enemy is seen by them.

5.(Another possible step if wanted)A following trigger could be placed on the group that checks to see if the group knows about any of the east units in a region around the group. If they do, they will stop and attack them. If they don't, they will continue their routine of checking each trigger area.

These should be steps used to create the script you want.

« Last Edit: 19 Dec 2004, 09:28:14 by Bluelikeu »