I'm developing some AI for a multiplayer mission. Specifically, I've given each AI unit independent control on what it does after each spawn. Granted, I haven't coded how to react to death and respawning quite yet, but that's easy enough.
The code I'm writing is like a state machine. The script will run for a few commands to set up a state, and then wait until that state had been fulfilled before continuing. With some random chance and known waypoints, the units can move around and perform tasks.
The problem is the code is growing substantially, and I'm curious if I'll hit a performance barrier before it completes. That would ruin my script. I think it might be happening a little already. In the init.sqs file, some of the units don't seem to respond to the script at all. I'm thinking the units aren't created by the time they are sent to the script, so nothing happens. I haven't proven it yet.
If you're curious, this is the code I have so far:
_player = _this select 0
_Defend_Rear_Town = [7173.221680,8997.596680]
_South_Forest_Defense = [7027.380371,8679.646484]
_North_1 = [6831.774414,9219.046875]
_North_2 = [6268.325195,9307.347656]
_North_3 = [5961.371582,9130.744141]
_North_4 = [5979.678223,9001.433594]
_North_5 = [6029.248047,8955.028320]
_Enemy_Flag = [6023.320313,8600.478516]
_Defend_Center = [6623.063965,8759.747070]
_Center = [6618.985840,8791.207031]
_North_Snipe = [6418.076172,9284.750977]
_South_Road = [6278.738281,8568.501953]
_Enemy_South_Rear = [5991.031738,8519.553711]
_Cent_North_1 = [6749.277344,8916.504883]
_Cent_North_2 = [6379.270996,8815.067383]
_Enemy_Top = [6036.661621,8675.635742]
_rand = 0.0
_waypoint = "Logic" createVehicle [9632.477539,3865.032227]
_rand = random 1
?(_rand > 0.8) : goto "_Spawn_to_North1"
?(_rand > 0.2) : goto "_Spawn_toCenter"
?(_rand > 0.1) : goto "_Spawn_to_Defend_Rear_Town"
goto "_Spawn_to_South_Forest_Defense"
_player move _Center;
_waypoint setpos _Center;
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0);
goto "_Center"
_player move _North_1
_waypoint setpos _North_1
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_North_1"
_player move _Defend_Rear_Town
_waypoint setpos _Defend_Rear_Town
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_Defend_Rear_Town"
_player move _South_Forest_Defense
_waypoint setpos _South_Forest_Defense
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_South_Forest_Defense"
goto "_Spawn"
_rand = random 1
?(_rand > 0.6) : goto "_South_Forest_Defense_to_Center"
goto "_South_Forest_Defense"
_player move _Center;
_waypoint setpos _Center;
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0);
goto "_Center"
rand = random 1
?(rand > 0.6) goto "_North_1_to_North_2"
goto "_North_1_to_North_Snipe"
_player move _North_2
_waypoint setpos _North_2
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_North_2"
_player move _North_Snipe
_waypoint setpos _North_Snipe
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_North_Snipe"
_player move _North_3
_waypoint setpos _North_3
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_North_3"
; This is a good sniping position, so we should hang around awhile.
_rand = random 1
?(_rand > 0.6) : goto "_North2_to_North_3"
goto "_North_Snipe"
_player move _North_4
_waypoint setpos _North_4
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_North_4"
_player move _North_5
_waypoint setpos _North_5
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_North_5"
_player move _Enemy_Flag
_waypoint setpos _Enemy_Flag
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_Enemy_Flag"
# Center
_player move _Enemy_Flag
_waypoint setpos _Enemy_Flag
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_Enemy_Flag"
_rand = random 1
?(rand > 0.5) : goto "_Center_to_Enemy_Flag"
?(rand > 0.4) : goto "_Center_to_Enemy_Top"
?(rand > 0.2) : goto "_Center_to_Enemy_South_Rear"
goto "_Center_to_Defend_Center"
_player move _Enemy_Flag
_waypoint setpos _Enemy_Flag
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_Enemy_Flag"
_player move _Enemy_Top
_waypoint setpos _Enemy_Top
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_Enemy_Top"
_player move _Enemy_South_Rear
_waypoint setpos _Enemy_South_Rear
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_Enemy_South_Rear"
_player move _Defend_Center
_waypoint setpos _Defend_Center
@((_player distance _waypoint) < 9.0)
goto "_Defend_Center"
hint format["%1 _Defend_Center", (name _player)]
; Wait ten seconds before reconsidering
goto "_Center"
hint format["%1 _Enemy_Flag", (name _player)]
hint format["%1 _Enemy_Top", (name _player)]
hint format["%1 _Enemy_South_Rear", (name _player)]
There are some problems. I might get away without putting positions into variables like that and have a logic item for comparing distances. The hints at the end will all print out in one big swoop. As mentioned before, respawning hasn't been considered yet. Nor has flag-capture events been added (it's a CTF mission). Finally, I'm not sure if I like the state-machine format I have used here. There are a few approaches to it (noteably mealy or moore), and I could get real carried away with it.
When testing on a normal load, I will have 8 units on each side, with me being one of them. The opposing side will have their own script like this to control them. Each unit would run that script.
I think the script will at least double, and possibly triple. Am I asking for trouble?