this i a very happy day for me as ive started writing my first script : )
ive run into a prob though, i cant get it to work?
does anybody see anything that might be wrong.
as this is my first script i am completly ready for any critisism that anybody has. i would not be any less happy even if you say" this is the shityist script ive ever seen"
there is one thing though. i do not want anybody to say "you dont need to make this, its already been done"*link* "check here"
that would upset me.
anyways here it is, anybody see the problem im all ears, er eyes i mean.
tgt = _this select 0
man = _this select 1
shooter = _this select 2
weap = _this select 3
; start the target loop
Target loop#:
tgt setpos getpos man +1.5
goto"Target loop#"
;start the suppress loop
Suppress loop#:
shooter dotarget tgt
shooter dofire "Full Auto,weap"
man sidechat"Under heavy fire!"
man setunitpos"DOWN"
man set combatMode"BLUE"
man setunitpos"AUTO"
man setcombatMode"YELLOW"
goto"Suppress loop#"
the purpose of this script is to cause units to duck down and not be able to return fire because they are being suppresed by a heavy weapon. it uses an invs target addon which is setposed above them as it is ment for units behind cover.
it will work well on d-day missions to make the player think he is about to die and bullets are chasing him and make him not get hit but think he will be(then il take out the setcombat mod type stuff of course.)
where weap is in the syntax u are suposed to put a MG name that the shooter is carying.
as i said before im all eyes, so any sugjestions to improve the script would be aprieciated much.
My newest mission "Atomic Halo" coming soon