About the famas... a ment the new one...I forget exactly what it's called, one of you will tell me. I have a gun book that says it is one (or the) tacticly advanced assalt rifle... they my have been talking about the most tacticly advanced assalt rifle that is a basic rifle for a country, i bet the new famas could bet bet a m-16 or an ak any day, but the weapons that where mentioned could be better then the new famas. Still, i just said famas, it was the first high teck and cool looking gun that i thought of.
About the red eyes, yes, head shots would be easy, but it would be scary. Don't tell me that a bunch of read eyes coming at you, that also out numbered you squad by a lot, would not scare you....but stil the head shot thing is something to be worked on. Well they do have armorish uniforms, so maybe they could take more hits then the average soldier-- not zombie strength, but not to far from that.