Yes. Objects1 is obsolete and should not be used.
The ONLY editor upgrade you should have is General Barron's. (Or Gunslingers' if you're on 1.46) It is relatively new and replaces Kegetys' editor upgrade. Grab it from the Editors Depot.
Switching your mission from objects1 to GB's addon might be slightly tedious. Such is life. Wait till you have an unpleasant job to do, like chucking a girlfriend, and then it won't seem so bad. It might be quicker simply to delete all editor upgrade objects from your mission and re-place them once you have switched EUs. Objects which appear in the mission editor anyway, like tents and fires, are not affected by all this.
The problem arises because when Kegety made his EU it did not make all objects available from the Mission Editor, although they all could appear in the mission. Objects1 and Objects2 do make the "missing" objects appear in the editor. However, if you use them then people who play the mission need them too. If you add objects via, for example, camCreate commands (rather than in the Mission Editor) then the player does not need the extra addons.
GB's excellent addon makes all objects available from the mission editor and does so tidily, which is what Kegetys (for all his great talents and contribution to the community) should have done in the first place.
GB's addon is compatable with Kegetys's. If the player has Kegetys' (which everybody does) then that's fine, the mission will work even if you used GB's to create it.
In other words:
Mission designers should change editor upgrade
from Kegetys' to General Barron's.[/b][/size]
If you only play missions, and don't create them, then you can stick with Kegetys'. There are Comments which you might find helpful (or even more confusing) added to all these various resources which are all in the Editors Depot.