Is there any way to remove a crater created by a (camCreated) shell?
There is no problem finding the crater, nearestObj returns it just fine,
but neither camDestroy nor deleteVehicle seems to be able to get rid of it.
Anyone run in to the same problem and managed to solve it?
I believe all these craters (created by a mortar script) degrade performance,
or at least occupy valuable object space for maxObjectsSeenAtAnyGivenTimeBlaBla.
And even if thats not the case, it looks silly with a swiss desert.
Just for reference:
_tmp = "shell120" CamCreate _p
_obj = NearestObject _p
? (typeOf _obj == "Crater"): camDestroy _obj ; deleteVehicle _obj
deleteVehicle _tmp
camDestroy _tmp
And yes, the typeOf check does match.