this is what I used on my koth mission, you need to have several triggers running to detect who is and who is not present. This works for a 3 sided mission, east/west/and res
;Place Documentation here
;author USI Studios
;created 10/29/03 3:42:11 PM
?!(local server):goto "end"
?westhere and !easthere and !reshere:goto "westscore"
?easthere and !westhere and !reshere:goto "eastscore"
?reshere and !easthere and !westhere:goto "resscore"
?westhere and easthere and reshere:goto "start"
?!westhere and !easthere and !reshere:goto "start"
?westhere and easthere or reshere:goto "start"
?easthere and westhere or reshere:goto "start"
?reshere and westhere or reshere:goto "start"
goto "start"
titletext[format["MISSION STATUS:\nNATO %1 <-> Soviets %2 <-> Resistance %3",_westscore,_eastscore,_resscore],"PLAIN DOWN"]
goto "start"
titletext[format["MISSION STATUS:\nNATO %1 <-> Soviets %2 <-> Resistance %3",_westscore,_eastscore,_resscore],"PLAIN DOWN"]
goto "start"
titletext[format["MISSION STATUS:\nNATO %1 <-> Soviets %2 <-> Resistance %3",_westscore,_eastscore,_resscore],"PLAIN DOWN"]
goto "start"