I think what I saw was some randomness in the way the game engine deals with guard waypoints. As a test I set up an east and a west infantry group, both sent to S&D waypoints in the same place. I also had a west and an east infantry group on guard each some distance away and each side of the firefight. Then further away I had some east and some west armour also at guard waypoints. I then sat back and watched, several times.
There was a lot of variability in the outcome, so far I have not yet seen the situation where both east and west armour arrive on the scene, I have seen no armour, east armour and west armour, but as yet not both.
There do seem to be some patterns: If a group on guard is on its way to a firefight and all the enemy in the firefight are wiped out before it gets there it will immediately turnround and go back to its guard waypoint. If the enemy, instead of being wiped out, have just gone away, then the group will continue to where the firefight was taking place. Wait there for quite sometime and then return to their guard waypoint.