You are scaring the llama away you n00bettes!
Lövet, f00k the above posts. They can't answer a simple thread without going all "is that rigth?" and "oh! is that so!" and "ah! a trophy" and "oh godness! Do you really mean New York was whiped out by an astreoid?"
What you gonna do is learn about booleans.
A boolean is simply a variable, a word, keyword if you'd like, that you can turn true or false. For instance, if I had this trigger:
cond: this
on act: llamachop = true
then I could use this in another trigger:
cond: llamachop
on act: hint "hooray!"
booleans are allways set to false when you define them, write them down.
So in your case, you have your non present trigger I suppose? The trigger should look something like this:
cond: this
on act: nowweend = True
and in another trigger at the base, you group the trigger with the player so it is only him activating it. And type:
cond: nowweend and this
on act: [Whatever you like]
Now, I've explained this very detailed so if you have any questions, I have to shoot you. ;D
:beat: *Gets Shot* :beat: