I'm having difficulty with a mission i'm trying to design for OFP.
The current plan is that a MG-equipped blackhawk will fly (slow and low) past the wall of an enemy base, and the player (inside) will fire on the infantry units below. Following this, the helicopter will gain a slight amount of altitude and then eject the player's squad to finish off the remaining forces. (Since I don't know anyway to have the soldiers rappel down from the helicopter, and it seems a little suicidal completely stop moving and plant it on the ground inside an enemy base.)
However, I've encountered this problem:
Whenever the helicopter pilot "sees" an enemy or is shot at, he immediately goes evasive and flies 3 kilometres out into the sea. This means that the player most definately can't shoot at the soldiers as he passes them, seeing as they're 3 kilometres away and all.
I've tried using DisableAI target/autotarget/move, but this does nothing. I've also tried setting combatmode "BLUE" or setting the waypoints to combat mode: SAFE, as well as fleeing off. However, the helicopter still flies away. Is there anyway I make the AI single-minded or brainless, so it simply goes to the waypoints as it's told?