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Author Topic: Increasing Memory Map File  (Read 2054 times)

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Increasing Memory Map File
« on: 24 Sep 2002, 18:21:31 »
How do you increase your memory map file so that you can incoroprate more addons. When I  reach a certain limit and try to add more addons during startup OFP fails and gives an error message of "unable to memory map file _______" . an sugestions ?



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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #1 on: 25 Sep 2002, 03:02:16 »
err, check your messages.  This topic will likely be locked as it's in the wrong forum.


« Last Edit: 25 Sep 2002, 03:04:03 by 5hole »


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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #2 on: 26 Sep 2002, 21:39:07 »
ERR, I did they are all ADDONS EDITING forums.

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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #3 on: 26 Sep 2002, 21:50:58 »
All I know is that you need a whole lot of addons to fill up your memory, and if you ever need that many addons at the same time, well, the mission won't be playable.

So just delete a few of them, ;D
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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #4 on: 02 Oct 2002, 02:04:13 »
err, check your messages.  This topic will likely be locked as it's in the wrong forum.


Wrong forum..I dont think so. There could be no better place to discuss this problem.
The same problem occours with me. I found that it occours when you reach about 700mb in your addon folders, and I am pretty sure that it includes both the OFP addon and the Resitance addon folder. Speaking for my self, I can say that deleting any of the files is out of the question, allthough I see my self forced to do it from one time to another, and it bothers me a lot since im use a majority of the addons, creating different templates to make OFP come alive.
As I see it the majority of the problem lies in the hands of the addon makers, and I dont say this to offend any one, since I love the free and giving spirit of the OFP comunity and every single addon they make. I say this to point out some of the problems in getting a few addons, some time requires that you install a major pack. There is a lot of beauty reskined and fresh modeled addons that you can install as single units, and therefor it wont take up very much space in your addon folder, but when it comes to addons like UN-MOD, BW-MOD, CSLA, CNPL and the HK pack, they will range anywhere from 10mb to 50mb and above. In most cases all you might need is a single Leopard a5 or a4 tank, or the Tatra truck as an example, but still you have to install "ONE" huge file to get it.
In the last end I dont mind that the addon makers compile it all down in to one file, thus keeping it easier for everybody to manage, but we have only seen the top of the moutain when it comes to addons. Since the wounderful people of the OFP comunity, keeps pushing the boudaries of what is possible to create in OFP, this game wil just keep expanding. I admit that I am an addon junkie and I am 102% addicted to OFP. The last time (1min ago) I checked my OFP download Folder, it counted 2,16GB of zip/rar/compressed addons, and I bet that if I started to drain the net for SP/MP missons and campaings for OFP that it would be roughly the same amount. Give OFP another year from now, with all new animations, islands, level of detail and an even closer simulation of the real world, a fair guess would be that the amount of addons would double, both quantity and in size, hence making my library come to a size somewhere between 4GB and 5GB compressed addons alone.
If the commuity can find a way to deal with problems like breaking the boudaries of what is possible when it comes to general editing like size of the islands and latest the animations and further more make there own tools to work with, then they must damn well be bright enough to help the general public and gamer of the comunity solve the "Memory Map File" problem.



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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #5 on: 02 Oct 2002, 08:38:52 »
I'm not much of an addon creator, and have not come across this problem.  However, I am a windows software developer and might be able to shed a little light.

A memory mapped file is basically a temporary file created in windows memory that provides the programmer a large, easy to use space for fast manipulations... without having to worry about memory allocation.   Think of it as creating an array or string, without first having to tell windows what size it's going to be.

Windows then handles memory allocation.  If a mapped file gets to big, windows will attempt to swap some of the file out to virtual memory (hard drive swap file).

This is a stab in the dark really.  But try increasing your swap file size by a few hundred megs and see what happens.

A few caveats:
1) Memory mapped files can be created with a number of config flags.  NO SWAP being one of them.  OFP may be puking because of a hardcoded limit.
2) If this does work, you are just setting yourself up for a very slow and painful experience.  Provided you don't have virtual memory disabled, and provided your swap file size is set to 256mb or so, any time you run out of swapfile = badness.  Swapping memory is one of the top ten reasons for poor performance.


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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #6 on: 02 Oct 2002, 10:32:19 »
This is the right place to ask this question Spock  ;), and tell me something, how large is your addons folder in MegaBytes?

Offline DrStrangelove

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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #7 on: 02 Oct 2002, 11:55:05 »
Resistance lets you make a subdir where you can put addons & missions etc into. When you start up Res with your subdir name as a parameter, it only loads the addons of the original game plus the addons in the subdir into memory. This subdir is handled like a mod.

This way, you should make a fresh reinstall of opf + res, and then create several subdirs for certain themes you want to play (like 'vietnam', 'desertwar', etc). Then you need to consider what addon goes to which subdir. That way you'll end up with several different versions of Resistance that only work with the appropiate addons and not all of them at once.

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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #8 on: 04 Oct 2002, 04:01:48 »
And then he bows in the dust, as the humble soldier he is.

Thank you Skaven
Jostapo and DrStrangeLove, you guys have answered more questions than where asked.
I cant answer for spocks config, but my config made me wonder why it did happen at all. To get detailed questions like this makes it a hell lot easier to understand. My next question would have been something like..."isn't there something about Resistance allowing you to create new folders for mods and addons".
Well, the Dr. was way ahead of me. Salute to all of you.

My config.
Duron 1300 (not important)
1536000 MB PC133 (aka, 1,5GB Ram...Very important)
2046 MB Virtual Memory

Looking in my Windows task manager (XP), it tells me that i have a max commit charge equal to 3435 MB Ram = 3,435 GB of Ram/Mem available.
Now why this Psycho config you may ask your self, and the answer is simple. I work with Raw/Wav sounds/recording on a daily basis, among other things, and I therefor will not accept any lag in the system.
Thanks for the guidance and info so far, I hope it helps spock too.



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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #9 on: 06 Oct 2002, 07:43:15 »

I have been having the same problem, and for the longest time could not figure out what was going on with my install of OFP.  I had 347 megs of addons in my folder and after that I could not get OFP to load or function reliably.  Nor could I save a mission to the single player folder from the mission editor without it crashing or corrupting the mission files.

I am also trying to find a solution to this issue with out the nightmare of constantly adding and deleting addons from the game to match certain campaigns or missions.

I like DrStrangeLove's suggestion but am unsure on how to set that up...would it be the hame of the addon folder of your choice such as ...- vietnam?

A solution to this issue would help extend the versitility of this game many times over.



Offline DrStrangelove

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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #10 on: 07 Oct 2002, 00:44:03 »
Ok, here's my mini tut:

1.) Make up a name that suits your intention. (i use: 'jungle' as an example). Create a dir 'jungle' under your main OpF-Dir (exam: C:\GAMES\Flashpoint\Jungle)

2.) Create a dir 'AddOns' under that Jungle-dir and put all addons into it that you think only should be loaded by the game in conjunction with jungle-missions. ( move the SEB nampack, etc into C:\GAMES\Flashpoint\Jungle\Addons )

This way, you lower the content of your main Addons-dir (C:\GAMES\Flashpoint\Addons), thus saving memory & making OpF run better.

3.) Now make a copy of the link you use to start OpF-Res with. Go into the options of the link and add a parameter behind the startup-command for the game.

Normally you'll find: "C:\GAMES\Flashpoint\FlashpointResistance.exe"

Now add: "C:\GAMES\Flashpoint\FlashpointResistance.exe -nosplash -mod=Jungle"

(the nosplash parameter gets rid of the start videos)

that's it. You can make up several mod-directories that way. other DIRs i could think off:
- the WW2 stuff
- the DynamicRange-Soundpack (that way you can play without the soundpack online)
- modern stuff (counter-terrorism stuff, weapons from the taiwan workshop etc etc)

Just remember: the main Addons-folder (C:\GAMES\Flashpoint\Addons) should be reserved for addons that you'll want to use when playing missions for EVERY sub-dir. Things like the bunker-packs are great for this, also all the editor-object-addons, colored_lights, streetslamp etc etc.

Hope that helped someone.  ;D


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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #11 on: 08 Oct 2002, 03:35:01 »
That tut, made great improvements in my OFP performance.

Thanks again DrStrangelove!!!!

« Last Edit: 09 Oct 2002, 05:35:29 by rfountain »


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Re:Increasing Memory Map File
« Reply #12 on: 03 Jan 2003, 18:49:25 »
Man, that's a great workarount for a raising problem : sorting the addons !!

Thx a lot, mate