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Author Topic: Final Strike - Sequel??????  (Read 1402 times)

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Final Strike - Sequel??????
« on: 24 Jul 2004, 00:35:44 »
Hello people,

For those people who have tried my first mission "Final Strike", i was just wondering if there was enough there for a sequel.

I've had ideas and have played around with a few things but i think that it will be a little to similar to "Final Strike".

Anyway i'll explain more tommorrow, its getting late, im hungry.  ;D




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Re:Final Strike - Sequel??????
« Reply #1 on: 24 Jul 2004, 15:27:40 »
Sequel  so we can see what general Zubkov is gonna do.

Prequel would be noting but boring peace time stuff. Plus as I played your mission I thought these res troops were the general's first strike, not final strike hahaha. :D

You said you had more info so I'll wait to suggest mission ideas... :P


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Re:Final Strike - Sequel??????
« Reply #2 on: 24 Jul 2004, 22:07:10 »
Hi there

I dnt really know why i named it Final Strike to be honest, just came up with it and decided to stick with it.

The story is that American Forces have been on the island for a long time trying to keep the peace after sum war but have found things difficult due to the resistance fighters.

Americans think everything is all clear after a few "raids" have dealt with most of the resistance, except Zubhov who kept his head down for a while. He comes outta hiding and thats when u get to the Lipany bit, he wants to show that he's not finished and is willing to carry on the fight.

I've had a few ideas for missions:

1) The americans have intelligience somehow that Zubhov could be in two locations, further intel says that he is in either one of two ports awaiting a "package" frm some group i dunno.
To intercept Zubhov and this package there will need to be two simultaneous raids/ attacks on the ports to capture/kill Zubhov.
Now u wud take part in one of the raids as the same character as in Final Strike.

I was thinking that to add to it, ur raid/attack wud involve less ressistance meaning that Zubhov is not there. Maybe u cud get a radio message frm the other raid saying they are facing heavy fire and heavy losses.

Now u have to hop onto a chopper and fly and help if u can ur comrades at the other location.

2) Various objectives scattered around Nogova where u have to locate and destroy Resistance ammo dumps/camps etc.

3) Assasinations of known supporters of Resistance.

??? At the moment i'm thinking of doing number 1, i dunno i'll see.

Any ideas or comments?




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Re:Final Strike - Sequel??????
« Reply #3 on: 24 Jul 2004, 22:50:22 »
I like number 1 the best. You arrive and clean out the enemy and save a few pinned down dudes but the others are dead. But you see a UAZG off in the distance.... :)

2 is alright but the plot isn't there, you had a good plot in the first one with the jason guy gettin killed. Did we play his brother?  :-\

3 is alright for the sequel to one I suppose :P

For the end if we do play jason's brother I would be out for revenge, we finally hit the last res stronghold and your team is cleaning out on part of the town when you see a car drive off. You grab another car and follow Zubhov and his body guards to somewhere else. They get out and Zubhov hides in some house and you kill his guards and then as you enter the house, the outro or cutscene begins with some frenzied talking and as Zubhov pulls his weapon you gun him down and take revenge for Jason.

Wow that'd be a fun mission... ::) ;D

What do ya think?

« Last Edit: 24 Jul 2004, 22:51:42 by GuiltyRoachKillar »


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Re:Final Strike - Sequel??????
« Reply #4 on: 25 Jul 2004, 06:38:26 »
yes I agree with GRK there,  ;D
No. 1 i think is definatly the best, Maybe just a suggestion, when you're attack the port, maybe the chopper that you get on later is circling the port, Helping with MG fire?
Well, anyways, Great mission there.  :D

looseKannon :gunman:


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Re:Final Strike - Sequel??????
« Reply #5 on: 25 Jul 2004, 17:01:26 »
Thanks for the replies. I have already begun making the sequel now and will go for idea 1 i think.

It will definetely be much longer and hopefully more difficult than Final Strike and i'll be hoping to use alot more scripting in it than the last one.

Ive got sum good cutscenes in mind to, looking back at Zubhov's past life and what made him fight the americans + past operations etc.

Just need to think of a name but that's not to important at the moment.




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Re:Final Strike - Sequel??????
« Reply #6 on: 25 Jul 2004, 17:56:10 »
I know a name that fits and is  being used by many ppl!

You can call it... *drum roll*... Final Strike 2! :D ;D

Ahh you'll come up with that later. 8)


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Re:Final Strike - Sequel??????
« Reply #7 on: 30 Jul 2004, 14:40:43 »
Hi there,

Things are goin ok with the sequel just wanna get a few ideas frm anyone who reads this.

I wanna add sumthing that'll make the player make a choice if u get me, its either adding a major blow to the resistance sumhow or saving ur own dudes at the other port.

If not another idea i want adding on is i need to think of sumthing that Zubhov wud be collecting at the port and who's giving it to them. Maybe the Russians but that wud be to obvious or sum rogue american force, lol i dunno.

Plus do u think i shud kill zubhov in this or make another mission after this one, so it wud be a trilogy.

If i was to kill him in the sequel the mission wud be huge but cud make it better.

Anyway wot u think?




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Re:Final Strike - Sequel??????
« Reply #8 on: 02 Aug 2004, 03:23:25 »
I like the choice part.

Maybe the res are pinning down your buddies at the port or something and you could easily come ehind them and destroy them or you can sneak into the res HQ and blow Zubkov skyhigh or something resembling that. :P :)


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Re:Final Strike - Sequel??????
« Reply #9 on: 02 Aug 2004, 19:41:48 »
I dunno  :-\ . Im not sure if it wud be rite to kill Zubhov off yet, i think i wud have to set aside a whole mission for that.
Defientely gonna have that choice thing where one of them is go help ur buddies but as ive said i dnt wanna kill Zubhov yet.

Cud have the other choice like this:

Your told in the port u attack that Zubhov cud be there and that alot of weapons/ammo is stored in the ports location.

Half way through the attack u hear that Zubhov is in the other port but it is known that his 2nd in command is in ur port and that he's trying to protect the weapons etc.

Suppose there arent enuff troops in ur location to stay and hold it except ur remaining men.

So either capture or kill ( i cud use the arrest script made by Kuro) the 2nd in command and destroy a large quantity of the rebels ammo etc or go help ur dying buddies.

I'll keep thinking bout it. Cheers  ;D
