x is east-west, z is north-south and y is up-down. (At least I think its that way around)
If you wanted something to move due north you'd use
ship1 setVelocity (0,20,0)
Want to check that statement in Mr. Spocks logic test? ;D
Shove It, you can put your setvelocity commands in a script which is executed from the trigger that you're now using to give her the velocity once.
old on activation: ship1 setvelocity [100,100,0]
new on activation: [ship1] exec "velocity.sqs"
in velocity.sqs:
_unit = _this select 0
_unit setvelocity [100,100,0]
goto "velloop"
Doing so will give ship1 the desired velocity every second for the rest of the mission. Good thing about this scripting or whatever it's called, is that you can execute the same script for ship2 or what ever unit you want to. Just change the [ship1] to [ship2] or whatever unitname.