Alrighty, now I made my mission nocturnal. In the mission folder I made another folder and named it "Music". Then I have my song called "prison" and its in .ogg. I tried CHOFPSE's .ext maker to implement my music and made a .ext document called music.ext.
In this CHOFPSE made this.
// ***********************************************************************
// **** Description file for Operation Flashpoint
// **** Generated by Chris's OFP Script Editor
// **** Create Description Wizard
// ***********************************************************************
class CfgMusic
   // List of music tracks (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
   tracks[] = { - Track01};
   // Class definition needed for each music track
   class - Track01
      // Name to display in mission editor
      name = " - Track01";
      // Music path, volume, pitch
      sound[] = {\music\ - Track01.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
I'm wonderin why it is not working. I cannot find it in effects/music in triggers or waypoints and the playmusic command will not work. Any help for this music noob would be appreciated.