Yeah I have the same problem but I'm using a .ext.
My .ext by Chris's ofp script editor:
// ***********************************************************************
// **** Description file for Operation Flashpoint
// **** Generated by Chris's OFP Script Editor
// **** Create Description Wizard
// ***********************************************************************
class CfgMusic
// List of music tracks (.ogg files without the .ogg extension)
tracks[] = {Linkin Park - Track03};
// Class definition needed for each music track
class Linkin Park - Track03
// Name to display in mission editor
name = "Linkin Park - Track03";
// Music path, volume, pitch
sound[] = {\music\Linkin Park - Track03.ogg, db + 0, 1.0};
I made a folder in my mission foler named Music.
I thought that I heard the music would appear in music on the trigger options like seventh-darken.
So your saying I could put playmusic "Linkin Park - Track03"
And that would work?
I'll try it.
(Sorry for hijacking your thread chapelow...