1) In the editor, in your mission (intro part), type in a init field of a unit : [] exec "into.sqs". Then place a trigger for ending your intro : x = 0, y = 0, Type = End#1, Condition = true, countdown = X, X , X (X is the length of your intro, in seconds ; count the "breaks" -> ~5 and the seconds in the titlecut [..........,5]). In others words, the lenght of the script and the countdown must be "synchronized".
2) In your mission folder place a text file named : intro.sqs. In this file type :
;type commentaries here (lines which begin by ";")
titlecut ["","black in",3]
_cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]
;create the camera
_cam cameraeffect ["inernal","back"]
;position of camera. Can be : right back, front, top, left top...
EnableRadio false
; turns radio off
_cam camsettarget unitname
_cam camsetrelpos [X,Y,Z]
;camera's position compared to the unit targeted
; Can be positive or negative numbers
;X : left / right, Y : above / behind, Z : on top / below
_cam camcommit 0
; use it to move the camera, with 0 the unit is immediatly targeted
;put this ALWAYS after camcommit. It's a "confirmation" of the target
;break in seconds
(...other camsettarget...)
titlecut ["bla bla","plain down",1]
;text. Put "plain" if you want it in the middle of the screen
titlecut ["","BLACK OUT",2]
;screen gets black
; end of the intro
_cam cameraeffect ["terminate","back"]
EnableRadio true
;turns radio on
(last time I explain !