now i hope i uderstood it correctly....a "homing Beacon" shows you where someone is on the map, right?
If this is correct, this little script could help you for a start. If i'm wrong....ignore this post ;D
?(side player == WEST): goto "trace"
"civ0marker" setMarkerType "Destroy"
?(civ0wanted == 0): goto "end"
_pos = getpos civ0
"civ0marker" setmarkerpos _pos
goto "loop"
"civ0marker" setmarkertype "Empty"
"civ0marker" setmarkerpos [0,0]
?(side player == WEST): goto "trace"
i want only WEST units can see these markers....
"civ0marker" setMarkerType "Destroy"
as the marker is type "empty" at mission start, i have to make it visible.
?(civ0wanted == 0): goto "end"
at certain circumstances it doesn't need the marker any check this variable
_pos = getpos civ0
"civ0marker" setmarkerpos _pos
gets the pos of the unit and places the marker....this section is looped with a 5 sec pos is actualised every 5 can make this shorter or longer
"civ0marker" setmarkertype "Empty"
"civ0marker" setmarkerpos [0,0]
as the marker isn't needed for the moment, i switch it back to type "empty" and move it out of the map to a far corner.