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Author Topic: My mission.  (Read 1351 times)

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My mission.
« on: 21 Apr 2004, 10:33:06 »
<sigh> Well, after about 61 attempts, 15 deleted folders and 100 deleted soundfiles, I've done it. I've made the start of my mission perfect. Perrrrrrfect. (As perfect as 1.46 can be!) Now, I need to do continue the mission with some enjoyable, (not necessarily original) not-screwed-up and easy-to-make scenario. The mission currently goes as follows...

1. You start at your outpost, south of St. Pierre (one w. the lighthouse), chewing the phat. The player walks over to the campfire where a conversation begins (sound files and all) w. Pvt. Turner (best friend) and Corp. Byrd (detachment leader). After that, you and Byrd go on patrol. Dot dot dot.

What can I do now that will be realistic, interesting and simple?

Cheers, tovarich(s)


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Re:My mission.
« Reply #1 on: 21 Apr 2004, 16:59:01 »
You shud really have created ur mission first and then ur cutscene as i would find it easier to make a mission, throwing in all my ideas and then with that knowing what the mission is about u can go ahead and make a great cutscene.
Anyway thats my opinion, good luck with the mission. Try and think of sumthing that will get the player really into it. Dont just do a "get attacked - kill baddies - WIN". Add twists 2 it and make it fun.



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Re:My mission.
« Reply #2 on: 23 Apr 2004, 07:20:55 »
Well, I'm trying to think of something not necessarily combat-orientated, because this is meant to be the first mission in a series. Plus, the mission is set in 1988, after the Soviets have been allowed to return to Kolgujev (as long as they don't come knocking again). However, things which I have attempted like long, drawn out invasion-by-the-Soviet scenarios and hostage-situation-in-St. Pierre are hard to pull off and script correctly, and end up being a hastily-made unrealistic mess.

The other side of the coin, however, is that without combat the player is likely to be bored, so it boils down to finding the rare balance between realism and gameplay. Any ideas would be extremely useful, as I've really hit a blank spot here.


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Re:My mission.
« Reply #3 on: 23 Apr 2004, 18:15:23 »
I dunno, maybe you find out one of your A10s has been sabotaged at airport and is crashing over ocean when pilot ejects into zodiac or life raft (col klink add ons). You get into your Mark II PBr and save him. Then the civvis are suspected of shooting and AA rocket or something since you have no idea this happened at the airport. Some dude gets scared and it turns into a car chase / shoot out.

How about that? :P


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Re:My mission.
« Reply #4 on: 24 Apr 2004, 07:51:32 »
Could work man, thanks for the suggestion. Any more ideas would be extremely helpful. Cheers you two. Btw, I have the Zodiac addons - where can I get the life raft?

« Last Edit: 24 Apr 2004, 07:52:26 by C.A. "Gaern" McDonald »


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Re:My mission.
« Reply #5 on: 24 Apr 2004, 13:29:33 »
How bout ur told to go on patrol in sum forest or a quiet town. U arrive there and things seem to be pretty odd. There are a couple of empty Urals and jeeps. The camp fire is burning and by the fire u see a US helmet and a blood trail leading into the forest or into a house. U venture further and u come across sum camoflauged tents, inside u find a huge cache of ammo, rpgs, ak's and a soviet flag. Cud be sum rogue Soviet commando group or sumthing like that ready to strike at important US defensive targets ready for an invasion. Ur told to go back to base and report this but as u get back u hear and small convoy of more cars and urals heading ur way? Wot can u do, try and make a break for it or stay and c wot happens?

Thats just come right from the top of my head.


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Re:My mission.
« Reply #6 on: 26 Apr 2004, 09:09:24 »
Not bad again man! You sure got some ideas going round in there! Cheers!

I've released my first mission. To see what it's like, head over to the mission depot.