This is based on my previous topic, but I think it deserves its own.
I have a script that assigns a rank texture to players depending on their player name. The script does work but the effects can only be seen locally (ie. the local player can see his own rank texture, but no-one else can).
Is there anyway to make it so everyone can see?
_Bob = "[CPL] Bob"
_Joe = "[CPL] Joe"
_Tim = "[LCP] Tim"
_Tom = "[LCP] Tom"
?(Name player == _Bob) : player setObjectTexture [2,"\rank_cpl.paa"]
?(Name player == _Joe) : player setObjectTexture [2,"\rank_cpl.paa"]
?(Name player == _Tim) : player setObjectTexture [2,"\rank_lcpl.paa"]
?(Name player == _tom) : player setObjectTexture [2,"\rank_lcpl.paa"]