1. If you haven't done it already, upgrade your OFP to version
1.96 RC.
2. Create a folder in your OperationFlashpoint folder. This is your new mod folder. Name it appropriately, if you're going to use it to store BAS units then name it
bas_units , etc.
3. Create a folder named
addons inside your new mod folder, and fill the new
addons folder with any addons you want.
4. Create a shortcut to your OFP exe (It has a couple possible names). In the shortcut's Target field, add the
-nomap and
-mod=modfolder parameters:
"C:Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\Flashpoint.exe" -nomap -mod=bas_units
5. You can use multiple mod folders by using semicolons, like this:
"C:Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\Flashpoint.exe" -nomap -mod=bas_units;bas_isle;rhs_units
6. Use the shortcut to run OFP with mod folders.