OK, nearly there, you just need one more spell. Somewhere you have to have something like
1 SetRadioMsg "OK boys - advance!"
otherwise you won't be able to use the radio at all.
Not quite true there Macguba...... using that syntax will change the text associated with radio alpha... if you omit that line of code it will just say "Alpha", but will still work just fine
Also, regarding the whole setfuel thing, there's never only one way of doing something in OFP ;D ... using one of these lines of code will work just as well if not better than the whole empty gas tank bit
(Thanks to Sui for pointing that out)
count crew heli < 3A condition to cause a chopper to wait for it's cargo to disembark.
With this one remember that it is crucial that the pilot and gunner can't be killed. If it is at all possible that they can, you should use something else
count crew heli == (west countside (units group) + 2)A condition to cause a chopper to wait for all living units in group to be aboard. Again, this relies on the driver and gunner always being alive. Also, if your group is not west, change the west to what is applicable (east, civilian etc)