Putting an end to this everlasting discussion...
-Kids are yet to be made and animated. That's a point. I know the Sing'mod, haven't seen a kid.
-Once we have some, the conscious mission-maker will use them as hostages, hence if killed you're out, or draw a "watch the kid" script that would disavow the player if anything happens to them.
-Missuse of kids can be prevented if for instance, OFPEC issues a clear statement on what's authorized and what's not from their point of view.
It's effectivelly a matter of choice, that's all. One choice CAN be made by OFPEC Staff, why not ? Once we do have a line drawed, anybody can stand for or against.
It's never negative to take position on sensible matters.
nobody likes the idea of censorship, and no, one cannot allow everything to happen.... Anothe debate.
I pesonnally stand for the free use of children, with the Editing Centre making choices on what's acceptable upon reviewing, with the ability to revoke the mission' author access to the site in case of extreme violence or unappropriate use of it.
That's a proposition.
PeacePunk out.