eh, that script looks familiar
you don't need the eventhandler when the flare's camcreated. Eventhandler "fired" is only used to activate a script or code when a unit fires his weapon, in your case the the flare's created with camcreate
Just run the flareFX script when the flare's created.
Run the variable as first and only param
In your flare trapscript there should something like that:
_flare = "flare" camcreate <position> ;
<position> is probably a marker or gamelogic.
add this line after the flare's created
[_flare] exec "flarefx.sqs"
but flareFX.sqs is a bit different
_object = _this select 0
_pos=getpos _object
_life =30
_delay = 0.01
_lifeTicks = _life / _delay
_life = _lifeTicks
_pos=getpos _object
_shade = 0.65 +random 0.3
_life = _life - 1
?_life > 0 : goto "Begin"
not tested, tho
but I have to say the effect is better with the flare sound