My game engine back home gives me this message:
"Desperately need ""BAS_HMMWV_Pack""."
;D *Tomb LHAO* ;D jk, I just felt like asking for some info on that one as I couldn't
see anything @ the bas site. (dammit, seems like everyone is having site probs. these days!)
Anyway, as long as the MH53PL3 isn't taken off the tapestry,
I for my part can wait 'till OFP2 for the hummer
*Tomb takes off in his imaginary bas_MH53*
Re.(DeadMeat):Ballistic Addon Studios Update Thread
« Reply #1288 on: January 14, 2004, 04:31:52 PM »
...And no, the Hummers are NOT dead.