http://media.militaryphotos.net/photos/albums/album08/173rdairborne37.jpgNote that the vest and equipment are very different....the BAS Rangers are using harnesses, web belts, and buttpacks while modern grunts are using Interceptors with all their gear attached directly to the vest. He has no gloves, has his pants unbloused, no pistol or kneepads, so forth and so on.
The Ranger looks like.......well, he looks like a Ranger ;D
BAS made Rangers and did a fine job of it but I personally would like to see plain old grunts with accurate gear. It would be great if somebody made a simple "Modern US Army" pack with woodland and desert 3-color, because I'm sick of BIS infantry and I don't want to make all my loons Rangers.
So Deadmeat, I'm not criticizing you guys at all (read yer thread at the official forums
), I'm just saying that I don't like using Rangers as regular troops.