hey sim. Good to hear that you have struggled yer way through the annoying
n00b-parts of editing (we all did that after all
;D ) and have come to the point
of serious mission making!
sounds great, m8
I'd have to stick with the lads up there, telling ya to hit the ED.Depot and search for campaigns.
Because our replies would be almost identical to what you will find in the depot anyway.
Its not that hard though, the rough part is making up a solid storyline and making
those (boring to make) cutscenes that give the campaign/mission the extra lil' something to it. :thumbsup:
don't give in - fight on and post ALL the questions you feel like wanting to know about.
Once you're in a "serious" mission, lots of issues usually pops up and need assistance
from your community pals - and we will be happy to give it all if we have it.
happy editing, m8 :cheers: