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Author Topic: Some new toys for boys... and girls  (Read 44825 times)

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Offline Tomb

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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #210 on: 01 Mar 2003, 22:05:17 »

...can you add like a radio in the car ...I want Limp bizkits or Linkin park in the car...

...chicken out ....at the sight of TCMC :o

Well, you can easily create a working car radio in yer missions using scripts & the description.ext  :)
Don't wanna ship actual wav's with the PBO file, as it would :

1.)  add some serious weight (meg's) to the .zip
2.)  be illegal, so klinkster & tombster got a few law suits up their asses!  ::)
      (ironic, isn't it - I mean the addon is all about being outlaws!)

Oh, and that's T.M.C.M.

as in Troublemakers Motorcycle Club Malden, or just:

Troublemakers MC Malden  8) ;D  TMCM

....but yea, I could add some (outlaw-) radiosample to the mutha, we'll see about that.  :-* just no full-length songs!


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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #211 on: 01 Mar 2003, 22:18:46 »
Bah ok i know what you mean addon size increases by 100% and d/ld sucks then anyway could you fellows at least add custom sounds on it or were you planning for it i mean like Car brakes so they make good screeching sounds ::)
Troublemakers Motorcycle Club Malden
Ok if you say so i was planning on getting them in Desert Malden since i use that plenty of time :P but a little improvisation and we have:
Troublemakers Motorcycle Club Desert Malden ;)

Offline Tomb

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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #212 on: 02 Mar 2003, 02:20:55 »

Bah ok ...anyway could you fellows at least add custom sounds on it or were you planning for it - i mean like Car brakes so they make good screeching sounds ::)

Never heard of such stuff, m8  ??? but if yanno how 2 do it, please tell me about it  :afro:

I made custom engine sounds for all vehicles, a very "old" (worn-out) sound for the mean mutha car, even made custom sounds for each stinkin' bike, not just a pitched version of the same sound file!  :o 8) But brakes!!!  ??? never heard of a thang like that - sounds funny though.

Guess it would include some serious scrolls, like a looped check for speed, and if speed is instantly decreased - a soundfile is kicked... dunno really?! som'n like that anyho'

Wassup w/ the desert thing? I'm not sure I really get you there...  :P ??? :) what do ya mean? Desert camo  ??? ;D coz if so, I think we're talking about two different addons!  :o :hmm:


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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #213 on: 02 Mar 2003, 12:52:55 »
haha seriously me a scripting guy no way but i know it can be done mate  :D

Guess it would include some serious scrolls, like a looped check for speed, and if speed is instantly decreased - a soundfile is kicked... dunno really?! som'n like that anyho'

You got it man  :P
That would be cool if it got implemented its the little things like these that spice up the addon so much that it pours steam out of our keyboards  ::)

How about that pic i am attaching now as a number plate on the gangs CAR 8)


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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #214 on: 02 Mar 2003, 12:58:35 »
[img removed]500.JPG[/img]

Haha for you all i just linked it directly :P

Anyway by desert i meant make a version which looks great in a desert by that i mean CAMO (should be different only) nothing more   ;D

P.S:Thats my own handy work there i joined that plate to my dads Mitsubishi  :P
« Last Edit: 02 Mar 2003, 13:02:35 by Morpheous »


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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #215 on: 03 Mar 2003, 04:24:08 »
How strange...

I was browsing this reference site and I came across these at the SAME time I was viewing this thread, ISNT THAT WIERD!


Ref Site: http://www.planetquake.com/shattered/shine/images/ref/

Anyhoo, I hope these color theories help with the texturing

- Cedaie


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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #216 on: 03 Mar 2003, 06:59:13 »
the bikes look too clean, you definately need some darker areas in there.  :-\

The green texture is...ok  but like I mentioned its way to clean and bright.

Bikers usually ride dark shiny bikes, unless I missed a post earlier explaining some sort of Surealistic approach.

to show my point of view, I always like to visually explain (attached image)
soz about the low detail

« Last Edit: 03 Mar 2003, 07:00:54 by Cedaie »


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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #217 on: 03 Mar 2003, 07:48:22 »
This is another I colored, I think this is as far as you would go 'cute' wise

I have nothing against going in a different direction design wise, but I'd head in the path where it makes sense, and difference works, If you get me..


Offline Tomb

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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #218 on: 04 Mar 2003, 17:37:10 »
The resolution issue have been explained/discussed on page 14 (i think it was) in this thread.
In short, the way these bikes were made won't allow any details such as dirt, shadows, chrome-mirror-sunbright and shiny areas etc.
Ain't no sh*t we can do about it, but I assure you that pack-II will fully compensate for this  :)

As for these bikes, stick to 'em as they are. Clean colors, yes, but once you get to DL them you'll see (if you try to change any colors for private use back home) that it is virtually impossible to make it any better. Especially the gas tank uses a very small picture (few pixels).

Still, its a great addon - and also very original as a concept, I think  8) ;D

Thx for yer input anyho' matey!  :-* :)

Black Magic

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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #219 on: 08 Mar 2003, 12:22:34 »
You know, I haven't read this thread in a week, with some magical hope that when I opened it a week later I would be blessed with a pack of bikies. So much for that lol! ::)

*pulls out a diagram of the solar system and begins to point*
Say Tomb, your sig says "days", so I figure me and you ain't on the same planet. See on earth, a day revolves over a 24 hour period, obviously you day does not hehe. So where you from Alien B-Mot? Neptune? Mars? :P

Hehe only joking around mate, it's just all my assessments are over so I got about 2 or 3 weeks in which to make a mission. So anyways, when? And got anymore pics?! ;D

Take it easy, later. :)

Black Magic 8)


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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #220 on: 10 Mar 2003, 09:49:27 »
yeah man  how is the progress doing ??

Offline Tomb

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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #221 on: 12 Mar 2003, 17:34:59 »
progress is great - I just got connected again :beat: - two weeks of real world hell,
with absolutely no possibility of even the slightest escape :noo:

HELL!!!!  >:( ;D

About the bikes: all hope is lost, so I figure I will be forced to simply release what (then) could of been released 3 months ago  ::)

 :P stupid, I know - but ya can't blame a d00d for trying!

Oh, and BM: the avy was made before the 'breakdown' I had (see, my comp exploded so I had to buy myself a new one, which took me a couple of weeks hard butt labour. but all is fine now, and my M.I.L is dead  :) )  ::)


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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #222 on: 14 Mar 2003, 11:05:35 »
*taps finger on the desk*

18 days till I leave for the Army. Hope to play with em before then. ;)

Offline Tomb

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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #223 on: 14 Mar 2003, 21:10:47 »
 :( yea, I know pinnie, Im a real pain

but between U & me, life has been a real b... to me lately!  ::) so I haven't really had the chance to LIVE at all. And there's no signs of change as I see it right now...  :P Tell ya what: I'll contact BM and see if he can host the pack 'as is', maybe he can squeeze it in between all the ww-2 stuff somewhere. Then, if times get any better (they usually do, thank god), the stuff can be fixed for another version or updated models can be added to "pack II" this summer.  :)

Can't do anything today nor tomorrow but with a lil' luck I might be
able to upload it this sunday.  :-*
( I was smart enough to make a CD-Rom backup before the comp blowed up.)  ;D

I'll post U the updated wassups this sunday, hopefully it'll be good news  :)
meanwhile, go polish them shoes of yours, pinnie... might as well get used to it  ;D

Black Magic

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Re:Some new toys for boys... and girls
« Reply #224 on: 15 Mar 2003, 12:15:14 »
*takes a seat next to Tomb and pulls up a paper in an undercover manner*

Psst. Ok. I don't know if I can do that seeing as we are a WWII mod and I don't know how the other gents'll respond. However, we do have unlimited bandwith and server space so maybe I can sneak it in somewhere that no one will see. Then again, I can use my possessive powers of administrator to pull a few strings - guns to their heads, kidnappings etc. I'll talk it through with the boys and see what I can do for ya. ;)

Meanwhile, send it along anyways so I can play with it and brag about how I have it and no one else does. :P

Hehe, only joking, but I'll take a look see and find out what I can do to help you out mate. Ah well, catchya later. ;D

Black Mag 8)

P.S. I wouldn't really threaten people with guns or kidnap, I'm just in that mood you get when you see Road To Perdition for the first time - which I just did. :o