Ellöw, Mr. SAS m8
what YOU need is a FLAK scroll - just modify it to fit yer needs
(i.e. only ONE explosion and not repeated ones)
check this out: this one uses a "shell73" which is a very small explo.
;area of flak around target
;random height of flak
;target aircraft
;game logic name
;ammoType to use
;[150,10,blackhawk,log1,"shell73"] exec "flak.sqs"
; script
_area = _this select 0
_height = _this select 1
_target = _this select 2
_logic = _this select 3
_ord = _this select 4
_where = getpos _target
_logic setpos [(_where select 0) - random _area + random _area, (_where select 1) - random _area + random _area, (_where select 2) + random _height +10]
_bomb = _ord camcreate getpos _logic
_bomb = _ord camcreate getpos _logic
; here you can EXIT the script if you don't want repeated explosions.
; exit
~random 1.3
? alive _target: goto "loop"
copy the script to yer mission folder, let it be fired by a command similar to this (could be in a trigger) :
[150,25,MyHeli,log1,"shell73"] exec "flak.sqs"
("MyHeli" is the unitName of yer helicopter, gah!
and "log1" is just a named gameLogic
) ;D
hope it helps,
(cred's to scriptAuthor: Pica)