Take your time to study the scripts, i've sent ya.
I'm using global arrays and variables to do such stuff
with only 1 script. The very same script will customize
the message and effects/commands, for each selected
group (may be one/more/or all groups).
That way you don't need to set up triggers for every single
guy or group on the map.
It may take some time, until you will figure out, how i did it,
but once you got it, you'll see how handy that is.
:edit - btw - the scripted way for those white textmessages
titletext ["messagetext","PLAIN"]
titletext ["messagetext","PLAIN DOWN"]
let's say you make a loop thru your groops:
_i = 0
_max = count yourgrouparray
_group = grouparray select _i
?("alive _x" count units _group == 0): titletext [format ["%1 is down"],"PLAIN"]
_i = _i + 1
?(_i < _max): goto "loop"
~S~ CD