try this
; boom.sqs
; use by:
; [satchel_charge_name, flagpole_name] exec "boom.sqs"
_sat = _this select 0
_moveto = _this select 1
_tim = 0
_sat setpos getpos _moveto
_tim = _tim + 1
?(_tim >= 3):goto "next"
goto "loop"
"LASERGUIDEDBOMB" camCreate getpos _sat
deletevehicle _sat
then place a satchel charge on the map somewhere and a flagpole somewhere too
Then run this script and the satchel will move over were the flag pole is and blow up in 3 second.
you could also put the line
_sat setpos getpos _moveto
in the init.sqs script so the satchel moves to the flagpole at the start of the missions