Neal wrote:
-I am trying to create a co-op sebnam game. Helicopters fly in to the LZ. Drop the guys off. They head back and dont do anything from then on. ( I changed the idea of a non-stop helicopter ride )
Then at the end of the mission like when a certain number of enemies are killed or certain amount of time a chinhook (ch47) comes in and picks everyone up and brings them back to base.
are u saying that this is what u want and can't get it to work or this is what is happening?
if this is what is happening and you want the heli to make multipul "droppoffs" then all you have to do is this:
1. create heli wp 1 (load)
2. create heli wp 2 (transport unload) at dropoff
3. create heli wp 3 (load) back at the base
4. create heli wp 4 (transport unload) back at the "lz"
the first two waypoints will be for the first set of soldiers to taxi to the lz, the second matching will be for the second group of soldiers.
5. create 1st sp(1st soldier platoon) wp 1 (get in) next to heli wp #1, then syncronise them together, heli will not take off untill all get in.
6. creat 1st sp wp 2 (get out) next to heli wp 2 (transport unload), then sync these two, heli will be forced to land and let all out before taking off.
7. create 2nd sp wp 1 (get in) next to heli wp 3 and sync these together,
8. create 2nd sp wp 2 (get out) next to heli wp 4 and sync these together
now what this all will look like is a heli constantly dropping off your soldiers, after the second wp on both groups you and send em off to die or whatever.
now for the heli at the end you can do this:
1. make a heli way off map, so it is out of view of everything we will call this heli oh, say... "H"
2. make H in the vehicle option screen "flying" this will be changed from the default of "in formation" or somthing like that.
3. make first wp real close to where u put it, wp 1 (move)
4. make wp 2 (load) at place you want the soldiers to be picked up from,
5. all soldiers you want picked up will have to eventually have a wp synced to H's wp 2 (transport load) ++++++or you could make more than one "H" for pickup, remember NOT to group you "pickup" helis together.
now for you trigger.
6. make a trigger on the enemy position, oh say 250x250
east/not present
on activation:hint "BLA BLA BLA"
where i have put bla bla bla put any sort of "radio message" u want or search in these forums to make an actual "radio message". the one I have shown u makes a "ding" noise and words pop up in top left corner.
7. sync this trigger to H's wp 1, what will happen is this:
soldiers get into heli, land at lz, fight enemy force, when area is clear of the enemy, your trigger will trigger, H will come and pick'em up with hint message up in corner.
I don't know if you already know this so I just put it out there the easyest way i know how, just trying to help ya out.
now if you need to know how to make your pickup heli come in after a certain time, i'll tell you how to make a "trigger" trigger another trigger lmao. don't know if i can make that anymore confusing for ya.