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Author Topic: How do I keep the background in the same spot?  (Read 1384 times)

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How do I keep the background in the same spot?
« on: 13 Sep 2002, 15:12:10 »
How do I get the background picture I use to be in the exact same spot next time i open the file, at the moment i open the .p3d file, then i have to move the background into the correct position, which is not only near impossible but is a pain in the arse!

Any help would be much appreciated,


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Re:How do I keep the background in the same spot?
« Reply #1 on: 05 Oct 2002, 00:34:39 »
This only works if you created a plane in which you position your background texture (as far as I know). So before you start modelling, you create a plane and then you apply overlay the texture.(You dont have to press B.)
Now, you start modelling. The next time you open your p3d file you could:
Press F2 and select the plane. Then you press A and right click and select background form face. And there it is. Exactly on the same spot where it was before you saved.
Hope this helps. :D


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Re:How do I keep the background in the same spot?
« Reply #2 on: 07 Feb 2003, 04:36:42 »
All this is great, and works up to a point. In Buldozer, I see the images I have mapped onto the planes, but they don't show up in the actual Objektiv2 editing window--so I can't use them as reference! I'm stuck, unable to go further with Col. Klink's great tutorial on the Cheyenne plane, because my o2 won't show the textures in its windows.

Can anyone help? Am I missing an important option, or does this suggest my o2 is installed wrong, or ... what?


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Re:How do I keep the background in the same spot?
« Reply #3 on: 07 Feb 2003, 12:03:50 »
mooncaine - you need to place the texture - so that it is in the box you use to manipulate it, then, press 'a' without pressing any other keys, or clicking the mouse. This will return the mouse pointer to the vertex editing mode, and the image will stay where you put it.

btw, you can only put 1 image on per window... so using the 3d preview is out of the question...


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Re:How do I keep the background in the same spot?
« Reply #4 on: 07 Feb 2003, 18:47:34 »
Close ... but no cigar-shaped fuselage.

I've already successfully mapped all 3 flat plane objects, but I tried your suggestion from a restart, just to be sure. Once I've mapped a plane, pressing A makes no difference in the display--whether a plane object is selected or not, I tried both ways--and makes no difference if I press it twice.

The maps show up in Buldozer, just not in the darn editing windows! Thanks, though--I guess that wasn't it.


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Re:How do I keep the background in the same spot?
« Reply #5 on: 07 Feb 2003, 19:21:50 »
I just remapped all the planes, and I think I discovered the problem: a bug in o2.

Turns out that the images remain visible ONLY AS LONG AS THE FILE IS OPEN, and, moreover [here's the confusing part], ONLY AS LONG AS THAT VIEW [FRONT, SIDE, TOP] IS VISIBLE.

If I change my window views so that the FRONT view fills my work area, then change back to the standard 4-view layout [using F9 or the Windows|Standard (MAX Layout) menu item], the image won't display, and nothing I've tried will make it display except to totally redo the mapping again.

Reopening the file later also fails to display the images, so I have to leave the file open or redo the mapping every time.

Since it's impossible to tell how far I can drag a window's corner before it squeezes out the other windows, I pretty much can't risk filling the work area with just one window anymore. Oh well--at least now I know:

Thanks for your suggestion--at least now I know:

1. I can't drastically alter the window layout while using these planes as a tracing guide;

2. I can't close the file until I'm done tracing [or, in this case, done with Klink's tute];

3. You guys are great. Thanks for the help!


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Re:How do I keep the background in the same spot?
« Reply #6 on: 07 Feb 2003, 22:08:19 »
BTW, if you accidentally double click on the intersection of the 4 views, or on any border of a view, it will maximize--on my PC, this means I lose my reference images and have to map them all over again. Just a warning to fellow noobs.

I just got my F1 fuselage and vert. stabilizer built when I discovered this. Now I have to remap. Bummer. :(