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Author Topic: Problem with O2  (Read 1528 times)

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Problem with O2
« on: 12 Sep 2002, 19:13:39 »
When O2 tries to load "Buldozer" I get this error message:
"No entry 'bin\config.bin.CfgWorlds'."
Does anyone know how to fix this?

Also another question;
Is there a way to insert a background picture so that I can see where to put all the vertexs?

Offline KTottE

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Re:Problem with O2
« Reply #1 on: 12 Sep 2002, 19:31:15 »
Ask on the Flashpoint 1985 forums before posting here.

The Oxygen and Oxygen FAQ boards are now open to public, and they can be searched.
The answer should be in there.

If it's not, OFPEC is more than willing to help you out.
But there's really no point in re-inventing the wheel ;D

But I will try to answer you for now:

1. You need to tell us more about how your O2 is installed. Oh, and there was some errors with a faulty flashpoint.cfg file. An update could be d/led from some place, the link is over at Flashpoint 1985.

2. Yes there is. Again I encourage you to head on over to Flashpoint 1985 since these things are covered there.
And if you had d/led and read the How to make an M16 tutorial you would know this.


Download everything from that page. I do mean it.

Cheers, KTottE.

PS. Keep everything O2 related concentrated in this thread, as explained here we are discussing the possibility for a separate O2 board.
And if one is created I can just move this thread over there, and everyone will be happy.
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming 'WOW What a Ride!'"


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Re:Problem with O2
« Reply #2 on: 12 Sep 2002, 20:00:29 »
I have searched both the O2 and the O2 FAQ board but I didn't find anything that could help med solve my problem.
And for some strange reason I can't post there either! (I have an account). ...Strange...

1.My O2 is installed at C:\O2 and I have the Viewer installed at my X:\ drive.
I have tried to replace the flashpoint.cfg file in my X:\ drive with the one in my OFP folder but the same thing still happens.

2. Thanks for the tip!


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Re:Problem with O2
« Reply #3 on: 12 Sep 2002, 20:06:31 »
I un-pbo'ed the data3d folder thinking i could then import ,
say a jeep,
and play around with it.
Well, this error msg pops up on all *.p3d files

-unable to load file.
-Load error.

which is followed by
my cd drive spinning the ofp disc (legit)
trying to start or check on buldoze i think:

-cannot create 3d device:
-adapter -1 () fullscreen
-resolution 800x600, format x8r8g8b8/d16, refresh 0 Hz.
-error d3derr_invalidcall

ps. the tutorial has something that will stay in history of mankind among other famous phrases like
*all your base are belong to us*
*you know what you doing*

Im talking no more than less about the "howtocreatecube" tutorial which contains this great sentence:

"Is possible in really simple way made from it cube." ??? ??? ???

I only had to read that amazing line once and all the secrets of O2 opened themselves to me, filling my mind and soul with enormous wellbeing. (<new definition for sarcasm[?]) ;D

Great thing anyways O2 came out, even though it freezes up every 3 minutes and id rather watch a pro do it and watch over his shoulder.  :D

Move to a country, you'll learn the language in one year.
Study the language, you'll learn it in 6 years. ::)

Ok, back with a red eye to those tutorials...

Offline KTottE

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Re:Problem with O2
« Reply #4 on: 12 Sep 2002, 21:05:23 »
hmm i think I had this problem with my buldozer. And i think the way i solved it was to  copy flashpoint.cfg from my operationflashpoint folder and then paste it to where buldozer is installed (on my C: drive)

Backup the cfg where your buldozer is installed and give it a shot.

Quote from KingBeast on the flashpoint forum.
This ought to solve the error.

1.My O2 is installed at C:\O2 and I have the Viewer installed at my X:\ drive.
I have tried to replace the flashpoint.cfg file in my X:\ drive with the one in my OFP folder but the same thing still happens.

I have O2 Light in the D:\O2Light folder and Buldozer in D:\O2Viewer folder. And everything works for me.
I know Soul_Assassin experienced the same error as you, then he switched to the folder structure I use and he was set.
Try this and see if it helps.

You cannot open models in ODOL format. No one can do this without the use of FlipeR's tool which can convert them to editable format again.
You are still limited to use of the demo models.
But now you can open them up, delete vertexes all you want, add/remove faces then save back as P3D.

The buldozer error can be due to many things.
The things you should try is what King Beast suggested.
NOT have Buldozer.exe on the same partition (disk) as your operative system.

My folder system has worked for me, I am running two partitions C and D, and I have Windows XP Pro on C, the rest of the stuff is on D.

And those tutorials are very poorly written, check the http://www.flashpoint1985.com boards for better ones.

Cheers, KTottE
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming 'WOW What a Ride!'"


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Re:Problem with O2
« Reply #5 on: 12 Sep 2002, 23:57:52 »
Ktotte I havbe buldozer on teh same drive as O2 and the OS is installed too I have no prob :)

Offline KTottE

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Re:Problem with O2
« Reply #6 on: 13 Sep 2002, 09:46:34 »
I know, there is no ultimate solution for how to install these things.
OutbreakeR reported that he has both O2Light and Buldozer in the same folder, which should not work according to BIS.
And BIS said you should not have Buldozer in an O2Viewer folder, but I do and I've never experienced any problems.

Go figure.

Oh, and btw, I assume all of you have followed the installation instructions?

Like having set the -noland -dx command line args for Buldozer?

Otherwise, do that and check back in.

Oh, and another thing, which version of windows are you running?
Windows NT, 2k or XP seems to work better than 9x.

Cheers, KTottE
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming 'WOW What a Ride!'"

Offline Eklund

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Re:Problem with O2
« Reply #7 on: 24 Oct 2002, 19:50:49 »
I have Win98 (You know that KTotte) , and its not working for me , Why? I dont know. Well I just have to get XP and pray to GOD or BIs... :)
Operation White Night:The Battle of Sweden


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Re:Problem with O2
« Reply #8 on: 01 Nov 2002, 21:46:57 »
hi..i got that f****** problem too..
the last time i copyd the o2 viewer files in my operationflashpoint folder it worked once.but the viewer doesn't worked(it crashed) and my whole game was F****D UP...

hope you have a solution(i checked flashpoint1985 allready)

bye :'( :'( :'(


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Re:Problem with O2
« Reply #9 on: 29 Apr 2003, 23:19:48 »
for the bulldozer prob, i had it once so i copied the config of flashpoint.cfg from the actual config file and moved it to the o2 file????????? send back if it works