You could probably make a random path of wps using switch triggers, but that could get VERY complicated.It would be alot easier to use the "setwppos" command.
The syntax for it is : [groupname,wp index] setwppos pos
The groupname is the name of your group. the wp index is the number of the wp(so for the first wp you'd put a 1, second wp a 2) and the pos is a position on the map.(You can also use a unit, such as a gamelogic, instead of an array of coordinates) An example (You'd put this in the "Activation" line in a trigger, or in a script):
[grp1,2] setwppos getpos gamelogic1
This sets grp1's second wp at the position of the unit gamelogic1("getpos gamelogic1" returns the position of the unit named gamelogic1, in case you didn't know
Hope this helps
Chris Death-
Yep, your right about the switch trigger. Sorry everybody. I guess I wasn't thinking straight :-\
Thanks for pointing out my mistake. ;D