Convoys, heres the thing. Formations go by numbers 1-12, the highest rank will automaticly be the leader, and the rest, 2-12 in decending rank. The rank of UAZs and Urals are the ranks of the driver, but since theres only one crew member, the driver is the commander of that vehicle, for tanks, however, the rank in the editor is the rank of the DRIVER, so the gunner is one rank higher than the driver, and the commander two ranks higher (one rank higher than gunner). And because the commander is the commander of the vehicle, if he has a higher rank than the UAZ driver, he will drive in front of it, even if you set the rank of the tank in editor one or two ranks lower, so you have to either go three ranks lower, or use moveindriver, moveingunner, and moveincommander commands and make the crew all the same rank. Thats why it is always best to make the lead vehicle the highest rank there is, and then work down... And don't think that it matters if their rank is really high, it doesn't affect their preformence, thats what the skill bar is for...