--Keep your heads down fellows, HexaBytes are flyin' low today--
Aoutch ! I'm hit ! Tell my mother that A
Thanks to Ol'Master SelectThis to remind us the very base of the stuff, it's ALWAYS usefull to have an alternate editing way.
'Cause today one must assume that HexJobs are quite Underground-Style, but once again it's usefull && thank you.
Now for Senor Garritos Bathtub of Problems...
Only my advice, I'm afraid, but well, you know, I'm ready.
First: Are you planning to implement other-people Addon's for distribution with your island, inside your very own PBO ?
And It happens that you can't open them for one reason or another ?
Well, just ask the Addon author: I suppose they gonna be DELIGHTED to learn that their hard-jobs will get a second life.
Well, maybe not ALL of them, but, okay, just ask.
--There is a topic around here with a guy looking for adjustable LightBulbs... He asked BAS and... Grmpf ok OffTopic & not nice from me--
So... with approval from the author, ask the original P3d & .CPP
And if he's not polite enough to answer, I would personnally consider feeling free tu use his work.
Un-politness is something that I... Sorry, I soon be back on my medication.
And when they say "NO YOU CANT USE MY WORK! Build your own LightBulb !" then you know it's not worth the waste of time.
;D By the community for the community;D
Even if I am, I can see the dark clouds of OffTopic Replies acumlulating at the edge of the horizon. What is copyright for un-paid job ? What is the secrecy in your sunday-afternoon's leisure occupation ? How do you qualify an amateur job that is better than the Pro one ?
That is IF
-the addon is binarized - So check a lot of them, it's not so often.
-Your o2 & Bull are ok
-You tryed several unPBO'ing devices.
(I Favor the old Amalfi one)
Okay now I tell you something new: I'm currently writing an o2 Commented Commands manual. Yep.
Someone interested ? When you really hit all the keys, there is strange things that happens, I can tell...
(Ough a hell of a job, by the way... Config & selection commands OK, but so much work left... Ready to send to any potential reviewer, anyway)
So, now, we say that the wanted P3d is open & running.
(Please dear Co-posters continue to help him on this matter)
Make sure the "texture" window is open somewhere in your workspace. (select window/texture library or Alt+T)
Ctrl+DbleClick on a texture figured in this window will select all concerned faces.
E will pop-up properties for these faces.
Get out of O2 (Alt+Tab), copy && paste the texture from the original place to your Future-PBO island folder and go back to O2
On the lowMost-rightMost corner of the Face-properties window you see a small button picturing a folder: Click.
Yeppeeee .
Browse, go to your folder, select, apply & VOILA there you go.
Do not do this job for textures that resides into a "DATA"-called folder: it's the in-game one, it's common for all users. Only copy && re-path the addon-specific ones.
I talk a lot, right ? It's Tiring, ask my wife.
Ok, sorry I do know O2 almost but not quite more than a bit, & I don't know a systematic, one-for-all-of-them manipulation that will save your life about transferring textures.
You should also consider, with approval of the authors, distributing the other-addons "as is", in separate PBO but in the same RAR/ZIP file:
-First, it is the usual way
-Second, it gives the addon author a better credit, because his job is still re-usable by the downloader.
-Third && Most important: It spares you the full Config CPP hardwork for all these items that already got theirs. And the re-texturing job.
Think about this third one.
Bye, Bye, Ill keep posted.