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Author Topic: Red Dawn  (Read 1940 times)

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Red Dawn
« on: 12 Sep 2002, 03:58:31 »
Have any of you seen the movie red dawn? Well for all of you who like that movie I found out where it was and imported the data into the game. There are no objects and it is just blank. But if anyone needs me to bring their placce in the united states to life email me.


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #1 on: 12 Sep 2002, 04:40:27 »
That is like my favorite movie of all time... I would take the job but i am working on something else right now sorry... Great movie though especially the end.


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #2 on: 13 Sep 2002, 01:24:27 »
Hey ill probably do it now i just wanta know how big the DEM is? And where can i get the DEm conversion thing?


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #3 on: 13 Sep 2002, 01:30:43 »
HEre is the tdeal... You put it into .wpr format then you e-mail me at Jakerod80@hotmail.com and attach the .wrp file to it.


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #4 on: 13 Sep 2002, 01:52:53 »
Well I can put it into wrp or wilbur. Just Email me and tell me exaclty what you need.


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #5 on: 19 Oct 2002, 06:37:48 »
What you need for Red Dawn is the "Hollywood" versions of the Mi-26, and Shilka. Those were great. I dunno, when I saw that movie for the first time I really liked it. I saw it a few years later and was like, damn this is an 80's cheesefest.

It would be a great Flashpoint mod though.


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #6 on: 20 Oct 2002, 02:11:59 »
ill try to retexture the hinds and crap for you guys. ;)


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #7 on: 20 Oct 2002, 02:13:38 »
just give me some pics and BAM! well maybe not that quick....


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #8 on: 28 Oct 2002, 01:39:30 »
you guys have read my mind!!! Ever since I discovered modding i have daydreamed of a Red Dawn campaign. I dont think it would be too difficult to make one. In my opinion forget "hollywood"ing models... the ingame ones are more realistic anyway, if someone wants to skin them differently i think thats cool, but there is already so much available whether standard or existing addons.  Keg's Russian weapons pack could be used for rpg-7's,rpd's..etc. all one would need to do is make a few custom characters based on the ones in the film. perhaps some snow versions too, as there where scenes in the film in winter..  It was filmed in new mexico but was set in and near the fictional town of Calumat Colorado, so i think one could be quite liberal in the island making since its not a real place anyway... just as long as it simulates terrain in the film. there would need to be addons of vehicles of that time period.... like Jed Eckerts blue chevy step side they escaped in, as well as other pre-1984 vehicles. Hueys are already available and could be used in a mission based on the scene where a Huey fires on Soviet troops at a road block. However i dont think a Campaign would necessarily have to follow exactly as the film went... the film spans quite a bit of time so i think one could be very liberal in mission making aswell.. I only have a little modding experience but would be willing to contribute all i can to an effort... thanks ... John


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #9 on: 25 Nov 2002, 08:08:33 »
Red Dawn is a great movie, I watch it every couple of months. After seeing it so many times I noticed they did quite a good job with accurate equipment and such. The Soviet airborne soldiers had ak-74's and the vehicles looked very soviet even though some were converted. If anyone makes a mod for it make sure you make the Jati SMG that the Soviet spec forces guy had.


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #10 on: 28 Nov 2002, 04:32:03 »
I have yet to see Red Dawn. I know the basic premise (the Commies unite together and invade the US, a couple of Colorado jocks become guerillas) but what happens in the end? And what kind of SMG did the Spetznatz have.

In a real invasion, it'd be the OFP geeks who, along with the US military, would hand Charlie his ass on a silver platter. All of the football players I know would have great difficulty not shooting themselves in the foot.


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Re:Red Dawn
« Reply #11 on: 29 Nov 2002, 11:36:19 »
I loved that movie as a kid (ok, teen).  Someone needs to build a school building and an old Chevy stepside!  We have shotguns, and the bike that Jeniffer Grey used.  No horses though.  A six shooter would be cool.