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Author Topic: milkshape  (Read 2348 times)

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Monkey Man

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« on: 31 Oct 2003, 22:13:08 »
im a little new to editing ofp so dont flame me

what model format does ofp use and is there any way to import it into milkshape 3d directly or indirectly?

im not afraid of hard work and i know my way around milkshape like the back of my hand so dont post like i dunno anything :P


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« Reply #1 on: 01 Nov 2003, 13:34:15 »
well you have to export it under a .3DS, sadly O2 doesnt open it, so you have to collect the RAW 3ds file in 3dmax and then convert it again to .3ds so O2 can read it....... hope this helps.........

Monkey Man

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« Reply #2 on: 02 Nov 2003, 03:05:43 »
thats not quite what i was looking for

i need a way to take a model already in ofp and put it in milkshape

and you didnt tell me the ofp format either :-\


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« Reply #3 on: 02 Nov 2003, 09:01:04 »
OFP uses .p3d   format ...

far as I know the best you can do is go the editors depot and download P3D2OBJ

this will turn the .p3d into .obj format...  (wavefront)  
then you can convert to another format.. (not sure what program to use here)
 I'm fairly certain this was how editing models was done before O2 came out and gave everyone the ability to make new models ;D

Monkey Man

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« Reply #4 on: 02 Nov 2003, 20:57:54 »
thats exactly what i need

milkshape 3d opens wavefront so thats perfect

which .pbo file has the hummer model?


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« Reply #5 on: 02 Nov 2003, 21:08:49 »
 I believe that would be found in the Data3D.pbo file found in your Flashpoint/DTA folder...

not 100% certain on that .. but it would be the first place I would start lookin ;)  

Offline Planck

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« Reply #6 on: 02 Nov 2003, 22:16:55 »
Actually the Hummer can be found in the Addons folder and in the Res\Addons folder.

It is called HUMR.PBO (Addons), or humr.pbo (Res\Addons).

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Monkey Man

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« Reply #7 on: 03 Nov 2003, 00:08:43 »
dammit thats no good

the hummer is in ODOL format

the program only works with MLOD files

is there anything for ODOL files or am i stuck?


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« Reply #8 on: 03 Nov 2003, 00:36:40 »
was there a hummer in the first demo? because AFAIK those original demo files were MLOD

other than that.. I'd have to say you could be out of luck  :-\

Offline Planck

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« Reply #9 on: 03 Nov 2003, 00:56:43 »
The Hummer is actually only ODOL format.....it wasn't in the demo.

I checked my stock of MLOD, no Hummer.

Sadly it looks like you are out of luck.

I know a little about a lot, and a lot about a little.

Monkey Man

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« Reply #10 on: 03 Nov 2003, 03:48:01 »
o2 cannot save as MLOD can it?

if not then im totally stuck until a coder gets off his arse and makes me a converter :(

i do have the demo though

i have about 8 copies....

maybe i'll just use the jeep....


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« Reply #11 on: 03 Nov 2003, 04:14:27 »
sure.. as far as I know the only diff between MLOD  and ODOL is binarization..

 O2 outputs MLOD .p3d files  

binarize is a seperate program that will turn your .p3d to ODOL

its suppose to 'optimize addons' somehow, but the main reason people use it is so once your model is released to the public it can't be edited anymore.

 I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for anyone to try to find a way to 'unbinarize'  a model, as far as I know it can't be done.  
 And it would stand to reason that we went a very long time without O2 in the community and if someone was going to find a way to get at ODOL they would have done it during the year or so that we were without O2/Binarize

 There are mods/addon teams that are working on hummers ... maybe you could ask one of them for a model to work off of ....


Monkey Man

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« Reply #12 on: 03 Nov 2003, 14:58:55 »
Aw dammit

And I think I know what they mean by 'optimising'

I have a few (very few) MLOD addons around here

Add them and it loads much slower than with every BAS addon I have

Just the delta/ranger addon is larger than every MLOD I have combined

There's your optimisation

and i didn't want to work off a model

i just wanted to steal it and put it in another game (a mod, for half-life www.specialistsmod.net)

i HATE the model they use for it right now....